In a previous small case, the time was relatively urgent. About three days, the father of Party A was quite satisfied. He matched several colors. For different consumer groups, the father of Party A originally did not have these. Later, he made a distinction between him. He was very happy. Some design cases are shared and shared by everyone.
These colors are requested by Party A's father. I can't help it. Don't abandon them.
I made some color matching myself, I think it is OK, ha, ha, ha.
I feel that industrial designers are very interesting. They can come into contact with different products, understand him, gain insight into him, and finally redefine him. Therefore, the common problems of industrial designers, but they are not very good, but in fact we don't care. Because our job is to discover things and create things, it is always an innovative process, which is different from ordinary professions. Therefore, I am a designer and I am proud. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
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Green, very healthy , click [] to view the expression
I also want to have a party a father like you, who did a good job
I feel that your design area is very wide, you can do anything ~ when will the furniture design be produced?
New works have been released. Hurry up. Your design is quite wide-ranging.
Praise for industrial designers
The professional disease of industrial designers is to do well what they don't know.