Multifunctional portable outdoor electric heating blanket (concept sketch)

2021-03-09 Outdoor Sport 881 1 4


China · Other Industries

Multifunctional portable outdoor electric heating blanket (concept sketch)

2021-03-09 Outdoor Sport 881 1 4


China · Other Industries

The product as a whole is shown in fig. 1. the middle part of the product is a roller shutter design, which can be rolled out like a roller shutter door. as shown in fig. 3, this plane can be heated by electric current. above the plane is a layer of fiber products (or articles with heat preservation function such as cotton) that can bring you warmth in the cold outdoors. the parts in fig. 2 are two detachable hemispheres, one of which is a detachable signal enhancer the part below the general wifi network speed in the home is a heating or humidification and smart speakers and adjustable lights are added. The upper part is a mobile power supply, which provides power for most equipment. The lower part is an induction cooker (yes, the kind that can cook rice) fig. 3 is the overall expansion plan. after the expansion, you can rest on it and provide unique warm bed service! Determined to bring your home a general comfort experience!


Multifunctional and convenient electric blanket (sketch) part 1


Part 2*2


Expected plan expansion

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啊小明 2021-03-09

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