CHERYSLER France Original Bottle Imported Brandy-Brand Full Case Design

2020-03-12 Packaging 3117 3 3


China · Other Industries

CHERYSLER France Original Bottle Imported Brandy-Brand Full Case Design

2020-03-12 Packaging 3117 3 3


China · Other Industries

Dingfeng design original works. Official website: WeChat: 13710917280 QQ:434630038

Packaging design of foreign wine,Foreign wine brand design,Bottle industrial design,
Packaging design of foreign wine,Foreign wine brand design,Bottle industrial design,
Packaging design of foreign wine,Foreign wine brand design,Bottle industrial design,
Packaging design of foreign wine,Foreign wine brand design,Bottle industrial design,
Packaging design of foreign wine,Foreign wine brand design,Bottle industrial design,
Packaging design of foreign wine,Foreign wine brand design,Bottle industrial design,
Packaging design of foreign wine,Foreign wine brand design,Bottle industrial design,
Packaging design of foreign wine,Foreign wine brand design,Bottle industrial design,
Packaging design of foreign wine,Foreign wine brand design,Bottle industrial design,
Packaging design of foreign wine,Foreign wine brand design,Bottle industrial design,
Packaging design of foreign wine,Foreign wine brand design,Bottle industrial design,
Packaging design of foreign wine,Foreign wine brand design,Bottle industrial design,
3 5
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Comment Board (3)

CHARMINE 2020-03-13

Not bad

设计半桶 2020-03-13

The bottle cap is elegantly designed.

鼎峰品牌设计Owner 2020-03-13
Thank you
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