Press pencil sharpener

2021-04-14 Office Products 7153 4 78


China · Digital Intelligence

Press pencil sharpener

2021-04-14 Office Products 7153 4 78


China · Digital Intelligence

Social development, emotional indifference, the same work, the boredom in life, we put this innocence on such a small tool, is a trace of comfort, but also an emotional belonging. The modeling draws on the streamline of the bird's body, which makes the stationery more vital, structural and functional. The handshake pressed is like incitement wings. The function of the pencil sharpener is consistent with the woodpecker's wood pecking behavior, which makes people use it. When it surpasses the function itself and achieves emotional resonance

pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
pencil sharpener,bionics,unconscious,Press type,Design Research,
78 234
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Comment Board (4)

Gather Rivers 2021-10-12

It will not be sharp and easy to break. It is recommended to put the jack in the middle of the product, so that the easy break can be alleviated.

海森堡 2021-04-27

Creative full marks, the structure of the hand-cranked flashlight feels that the power of the turning knife is not enough.

花菲 2021-04-14


可乐是草莓味 2021-04-14

I thought it was a mini one.

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