Reshaping Liquor Art-Liquor Bottle Body and Packaging Creative Design

2023-08-31 Other Industries 3630 6 34


China · Other Industries

Reshaping Liquor Art-Liquor Bottle Body and Packaging Creative Design

2023-08-31 Other Industries 3630 6 34


China · Other Industries

A liquor packaging work that participated in the competition before was inspired by the local ancient city tower/unearthed cultural relics to make a wine bottle design with strong local characteristics.

Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
Baijiu,packing,The wine bottle,Cultural creation,Liquor packaging,Bottle body,Qionglai,
34 29
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Comment Board (6)

🐳 2024-04-23

Woc I feel very kind when I see it in my hometown.

线线儿Owner 2024-04-23
Ha ha ha
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zoro 2023-10-11

Next to my hometown

来自外太空 2023-08-31

have connotation

爱-设计 2023-08-31

very personal

Me And You 2023-08-31

quite good

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