10, let you experience the comfort of Great Xia

2021-05-16 Home Furniture 3608 14 22

China · Other Industries

10, let you experience the comfort of Great Xia

2021-05-16 Home Furniture 3608 14 22

China · Other Industries

I remember when I was a child watching movies and TV works, I often saw a scene where heroes were sitting on a rooftop covered with tiles, drinking and enjoying the moon. In order to experience the artistic conception in memory, I decided to make such a chair. The chair surface extracts elements from tiles, simulates the slope of the roof with a suitable angle, and lets my feet leave the ground with a suitable height.

furniture,Home Furnishing,furniture design ,life,originality,chair,Stool,inspiration,
furniture,Home Furnishing,furniture design ,life,originality,chair,Stool,inspiration,
furniture,Home Furnishing,furniture design ,life,originality,chair,Stool,inspiration,
furniture,Home Furnishing,furniture design ,life,originality,chair,Stool,inspiration,
furniture,Home Furnishing,furniture design ,life,originality,chair,Stool,inspiration,

I really can't find a satisfactory intention map, and the satisfactory one has copyright issues. This one is the most satisfactory one.

furniture,Home Furnishing,furniture design ,life,originality,chair,Stool,inspiration,
furniture,Home Furnishing,furniture design ,life,originality,chair,Stool,inspiration,
22 15
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Comment Board (14)

The wood grain is pasted wrong.

abin 2021-05-17

The size and man-machine are unreasonable.

Owner 2021-05-17
I refer to the size of the high stool. As for man-machine, it is a little uncomfortable to sit up, but I just want it to be uncomfortable to restore an artistic conception of tile top.
abin 2021-05-17
There is no problem with the high stool. The pedal part is low. According to this size, the sitting posture is 60cm from the knee joint to the sole of the foot. This size is wrong, and the seat surface is high, inclined and unstable. A little personal advice
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滴滴答 2021-05-17

Do you have another intention map, otherwise you don't feel it?

Owner 2021-05-17
This is really a little less feeling. I will upload it later. Thank you for your advice!
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Lip 2021-05-17

This concept is quite interesting, but it may be better as something like family makeup, which means to make a series of matches, and a single stool is a bit stuffy (called Zhai in Cantonese)

Owner 2021-05-17
It makes sense. I will continue to design in depth when I am free. Thank you for your suggestion!
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风吹一过 2021-05-17

Color can be considered again

Owner 2021-05-17
Color I refer to the architectural style, choose one of them more simple to do. I will try my best to try other color schemes, thank you for your suggestion!
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智能阁 2021-05-17


Owner 2021-05-17
Thank you for your approval!
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1233 2021-05-17

Why is this chair so cuoqi

Owner 2021-05-17
What is cuoqi?
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