The rebirth of my design in Xi 'an-vegetable salad machine

2024-07-15 Home Appliance 3079 11 31


China · Home Appliance

The rebirth of my design in Xi 'an-vegetable salad machine

2024-07-15 Home Appliance 3079 11 31


China · Home Appliance

An Improved Design Project of Long Long Ago's Vegetable Salad Machine

Modeling Software: Rhino

rendering software: Keyshot

Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,

Press the clasp to rebound, and lift the clasp upward.

Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,

Replaceable cutter head

Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,

The carrot is sliced into the bowl by the blade, pushed by the pusher rod.

Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
Salah Machine,original,industrial design,product design,Simplicity,geometric modeling ,Good things at home,
31 21
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Comment Board (11)

琉琉 2024-07-26

Mei Di Zeng unintelligent!

fighting 2024-07-16


不知名设计师Owner 2024-07-16
But as far as I know, no production😬
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一叶知秋 2024-07-16

Not bad

不知名设计师Owner 2024-07-16
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想未来 2024-07-16

the shape is very special

不知名设计师Owner 2024-07-16
There's some personality in it
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zove 2024-07-16

The sofa!!!

不知名设计师Owner 2024-07-16
It is not cheap to sell melon seeds and peanuts
zove 2024-07-16
five packs of melon seeds, five-pack of peanuts
不知名设计师Owner 2024-07-16
Not so much stock
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