Design of Bionic Willow Folding Bicycle

2024-11-28 Automotive Design 2852 7 26


China · Other Industries

Design of Bionic Willow Folding Bicycle

2024-11-28 Automotive Design 2852 7 26


China · Other Industries

When the public transportation network covers the city, it is urgent to solve the "last kilometer". This folding bicycle is inspired by willow leaves. The whole bicycle adopts the streamline shape of willow leaves and uses the front and rear single fork design, aiming at minimizing the weight of the vehicle and providing a feasible scheme reference for solving the problem of people's short commuting.

Folding bicycle,Bionics Design ,conceptual design,Willow Leaf,
Folding bicycle,Bionics Design ,conceptual design,Willow Leaf,
Folding bicycle,Bionics Design ,conceptual design,Willow Leaf,
Folding bicycle,Bionics Design ,conceptual design,Willow Leaf,
Folding bicycle,Bionics Design ,conceptual design,Willow Leaf,
Folding bicycle,Bionics Design ,conceptual design,Willow Leaf,
Folding bicycle,Bionics Design ,conceptual design,Willow Leaf,
26 5
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Comment Board (7)

秃头先森 2024-12-03

王者峡谷见 2024-12-03

really slim

安之若素 2024-12-03

this is good

流星星 2024-11-29

I'm afraid it's broken.

辛耳XinrOwner 2024-11-29
It's really not considered. When modeling on the upper tube, it was too detailed, and I didn't bother to change it when I found something was wrong. Anyway, it was just a course assignment.🤓
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刘备是也 2024-11-29

It's so thin

辛耳XinrOwner 2024-11-29
I was in a hurry to catch up with the homework of the course. I didn't realize it when I built it. I found it was too detailed after I finished it, but I didn't bother to change it.😢
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