LightDisc | Solar | Solar Rechargeable Night Light

2019-05-20 Home Appliance 4685 10 29


China · Home Appliance

LightDisc | Solar | Solar Rechargeable Night Light

2019-05-20 Home Appliance 4685 10 29


China · Home Appliance

LightDisc | Solar | adopts solar charging and USB dual charging methods. The bottom is attached with a solar panel and N copybook for easy sticking to the window. It is charged during the day and will automatically light up at night. The light source uses hidden lights, which will not directly hit the eyes. The product has the function of mobile phone charging treasure so as to temporarily charge the mobile phone in case of emergency.

lamp,Small creative home,Take-up device,portable battery,Night light,solar energy,
lamp,Small creative home,Take-up device,portable battery,Night light,solar energy,
lamp,Small creative home,Take-up device,portable battery,Night light,solar energy,
lamp,Small creative home,Take-up device,portable battery,Night light,solar energy,
lamp,Small creative home,Take-up device,portable battery,Night light,solar energy,
lamp,Small creative home,Take-up device,portable battery,Night light,solar energy,
lamp,Small creative home,Take-up device,portable battery,Night light,solar energy,
lamp,Small creative home,Take-up device,portable battery,Night light,solar energy,
29 52
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Comment Board (10)

夜殇孤寒 2019-05-21

This product is exactly the same as the gateway I conceived at that time. Later, I overturned the painting.

浩子HowarOwner 2019-05-21
After reading the work, the structural master
夜殇孤寒 2019-05-21
Dare not dare, appearance is king
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五彩斑斓的黑 2019-05-20

This beautiful, solar nightlight charging treasure, ha

浩子HowarOwner 2019-05-21
Thank you for your praise
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小蝴蝶 2019-05-20

Expect links

浩子HowarOwner 2019-05-20
There will be soon
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blossom 2019-05-20

Long ago, I saw a similar conceptual design.

浩子HowarOwner 2019-05-21
There are too many products in the world, and it is normal to make mistakes.
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浩子Howar Owner 2019-05-20

Coming soon, the previous barbecue has uploaded the purchase link

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