Toilet Storage Rack | Dream Research Society Bathroom Storage Rack Design

2023-08-25 Kitchen&Bathroom 2869 6 18


China · Home Furniture

Toilet Storage Rack | Dream Research Society Bathroom Storage Rack Design

2023-08-25 Kitchen&Bathroom 2869 6 18


China · Home Furniture

Dream Research Society✖Bathroom rack design

Subdivision Scenario: Toilet Shelf (Listed)

Use material: wrought iron acrylic

Design idea: around the use scene of being placed in the toilet tank, a semicircular arc gap is deliberately left in the middle of the storage shelf, which can just give us room to press the toilet button. the use process is smoother and there are sizes to choose from.

Finally: Attached are a few remaining sketch plans for the shelf. In fact, there are quite a lot of remaining sketch plans. Those who are interested can write privately.

Storage rack,Storage rack,Bathroom glass shelf ,Toilet storage,Toilet Storage Rack,
Storage rack,Storage rack,Bathroom glass shelf ,Toilet storage,Toilet Storage Rack,
Storage rack,Storage rack,Bathroom glass shelf ,Toilet storage,Toilet Storage Rack,

The remaining rack sketch scheme is attached below.

Storage rack,Storage rack,Bathroom glass shelf ,Toilet storage,Toilet Storage Rack,
Storage rack,Storage rack,Bathroom glass shelf ,Toilet storage,Toilet Storage Rack,

The remaining sketch scheme is quite a lot.

Storage rack,Storage rack,Bathroom glass shelf ,Toilet storage,Toilet Storage Rack,

Those who have the intention to need can send a private letter.

Storage rack,Storage rack,Bathroom glass shelf ,Toilet storage,Toilet Storage Rack,
Storage rack,Storage rack,Bathroom glass shelf ,Toilet storage,Toilet Storage Rack,
Storage rack,Storage rack,Bathroom glass shelf ,Toilet storage,Toilet Storage Rack,
Storage rack,Storage rack,Bathroom glass shelf ,Toilet storage,Toilet Storage Rack,
Storage rack,Storage rack,Bathroom glass shelf ,Toilet storage,Toilet Storage Rack,
Storage rack,Storage rack,Bathroom glass shelf ,Toilet storage,Toilet Storage Rack,
18 18
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Comment Board (6)

卡淇 2023-10-11

My toilet says he likes it

阿羽 2023-08-25


益生菌 2023-08-25

My toilet needs this.

梦研社产品设计Owner 2023-08-25
A lot of a treasure to buy
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Bam 2023-08-25

Where can I buy this

梦研社产品设计Owner 2023-08-25
A lot of a treasure
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