AI Enabling Industrial Design Luggage Different Beauty

2023-02-06 Home Furniture 7033 7 46


China · Home Appliance

AI Enabling Industrial Design Luggage Different Beauty

2023-02-06 Home Furniture 7033 7 46


China · Home Appliance

At the request of fans, I brought you a design of luggage today.
It is roughly divided into five styles:
1. Candy style, with beautiful colors as the main luggage style, brings a sweet encounter to travel.
2, dream wind, endowed in the luggage is really interesting, in the dream world to enjoy the dream scenery and taste the dream life
3. Business style, matte acrylic material and even metal material give the audience a kind of advanced and generous feeling.
4, industrial wind, yellow and black just the right combination, steady without losing a little jump, so that travel is not afraid of stumbling, life is the same 5, leather wind, strong dignified, more quality sense
Al's creation has some surprises in it, which gives everyone a little bit of thought.

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luggage and bags,trunk,ai,Design,product design,ai,inspiration,
luggage and bags,trunk,ai,Design,product design,ai,inspiration,
luggage and bags,trunk,ai,Design,product design,ai,inspiration,
luggage and bags,trunk,ai,Design,product design,ai,inspiration,
luggage and bags,trunk,ai,Design,product design,ai,inspiration,
luggage and bags,trunk,ai,Design,product design,ai,inspiration,
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Comment Board (7)

像你一样勇敢 2023-02-10

This color scheme is very special.

樱桃小丸子 2023-02-10

Not bad

双眼皮儿 2023-02-10

Like a toolbox

设计猫 2023-02-06

Foreign style

EvolutionLabOwner 2023-02-06
Thank you
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珍珠奶茶 2023-02-06

Beautiful suitcase

EvolutionLabOwner 2023-02-06
Thank you, happy
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