Design Slice | UI | Beiding Health Pot BUYEEM iK121

2022-12-28 Home Appliance 2978 3 23

Hao Xin

China · Home Appliance

Design Slice | UI | Beiding Health Pot BUYEEM iK121

2022-12-28 Home Appliance 2978 3 23

Hao Xin

China · Home Appliance

This is a 2019 project. As an industrial design background, I have always believed that the product design, control panel and UI interface of intelligent hardware should be part of industrial design. UI interface is an extension of product control panel and should also follow the principle of "form following function" and take information transmission as the primary goal. Rectangle is used as area division, circle is used as key identification, and large proportion of exaggerated font size is selected for digital part, aiming at serving information transmission.

Products: Beiding Health Pot BUYDEEM iK121
Time: 2019

industrial design,product design,household electrical appliances,Electric kettle,Health pot,ui,
industrial design,product design,household electrical appliances,Electric kettle,Health pot,ui,
industrial design,product design,household electrical appliances,Electric kettle,Health pot,ui,
industrial design,product design,household electrical appliances,Electric kettle,Health pot,ui,
23 17
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村里的人儿 2022-12-29

North Ding

皓月当空 2022-12-29

Big Brand

大脸猫 2022-12-29

Where is the pot

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