I won't say much about the product introduction. The e-commerce details page is very detailed. Those who are interested can go to Taobao and Jingdong to search.
Why is it named "Traveler"? That's because I want to sell it all over the world, so its aesthetic appearance and functional experience can meet the preferences of most men in the world. No matter what others think of it, it is one of my three favorite works.
We just like to make adult products very ordinary, so ordinary that anyone who sees them thinks it is not an adult product.
The shape of the thermos cup, the size of the thermos cup, hiding and using are convenient
With sterilization and air drying function, the perfect solution to the problem of liner drying and health.
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"We just like to make adult products very common, so common that anyone who sees them thinks it is not an adult product"
You said this is a thermos cup and you are not against it.
Do you want to make a table decoration? Do you want a cup
Male compatriots come and comment on it
Out of Asia, into the world