Hand-held small fan

2023-03-19 Home Appliance 3524 7 30


China · Other Industries

Hand-held small fan

2023-03-19 Home Appliance 3524 7 30


China · Other Industries

The weather has slowly entered the rhythm of summer, through a simple geometric modeling language, to create a lightweight and portable small fan, for the summer heat to bring a trace of cool.
The weather has slowly stepped into the rhythm of summer. Through simple geometric modeling language, a light and portable small fan is created to bring a little coolness to the hot summer.
Design: LL
Software: rhino/keyshot/photoshop

geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,
geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,
geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,
geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,
geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,

Multiple morphological use

geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,
geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,
geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,
geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,
geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,
geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,
geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,
geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,
geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,
geometry,Simplicity,Retro,small home appliances,Small fan,hold,
30 34
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Comment Board (7)

浮生 2023-03-20

Remind me it's time to buy a fan.

木瓜思维 2023-03-20

like milk white

Designer_LLOwner 2023-03-20
Thank you
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仙女-本仙 2023-03-20

It's really nice

Designer_LLOwner 2023-03-20
Thank you
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tornado 2023-03-20

High yield is like that what

Designer_LLOwner 2023-03-20
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