entrance mask disinfection

2022-05-23 Home Appliance 5316 10 51


China · Home Appliance

entrance mask disinfection

2022-05-23 Home Appliance 5316 10 51


China · Home Appliance

In the two years since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, masks have gradually become another indispensable item in people's lives. As demand for masks grows, the problem of discarded masks is rising.
Assuming that about 0.1 billion masks are discarded every day in our country, equivalent to producing more than 200 t of waste plastic, 60,000 t of waste plastic will be produced a year.

So for the full and reasonable use of masks is particularly important, for the general public in daily life in the short period of wear does not meet the waste standard of masks (more than 4 hours), the provision of a mask disinfection, storage program (reasonable storage of masks, the virus shut out).

The use of the product is a new type of 222 nano-ultraviolet (harmless to human body), realizing "human-machine coexistence and real-time disinfection". The "light vaccine" disinfection equipment using 222 nano-ultraviolet technology has been escorted by the Chinese Olympic delegation to the Japanese Winter Olympics for 21 years.

Mask,disinfect,deposit,epidemic situation,family,science and technology,new technique,
Mask,disinfect,deposit,epidemic situation,family,science and technology,new technique,
Mask,disinfect,deposit,epidemic situation,family,science and technology,new technique,

The design of the clock fits people's habit of going out to check the time.
The "double hook" design of the smiling face can ensure that the mask can be relatively flat during the disinfection process compared with the "single hook. The disinfection efficiency of the product is improved.
At the same time, the dot-shaped single hook can also hang keys, bracelets and other items for disinfection.

Mask,disinfect,deposit,epidemic situation,family,science and technology,new technique,
Mask,disinfect,deposit,epidemic situation,family,science and technology,new technique,
Mask,disinfect,deposit,epidemic situation,family,science and technology,new technique,

The back plate has strong traceless glue, no punching, hanging and placing, easy to install.

Mask,disinfect,deposit,epidemic situation,family,science and technology,new technique,
Mask,disinfect,deposit,epidemic situation,family,science and technology,new technique,

Main scene: entrance entrance

Pick and hang in the door
Go out and take the area
Turn the germs away

Mask,disinfect,deposit,epidemic situation,family,science and technology,new technique,
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Comment Board (10)

汪汪小小酥 2022-05-26

You can also make an extended version of sterilized clothes. It feels very necessary

鸭蛋 2022-05-25

It's a bit like a sterilized toothbrush.

liondanceOwner 2022-05-25
Yes, there are also reference products.
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终南 2022-05-23


学霸模式开启 2022-05-23


豆豆 2022-05-23


阿南 2022-05-23

杰斯汀 2022-05-23

Not bad appearance

伊甸园 2022-05-23

This should already be suitable for that kind of daily mask. it is appropriate to throw it away when it is used up once

liondanceOwner 2022-05-23
Considering the situation of bringing a new mask, going downstairs to pick up a courier, taking a take-out J and so on, it's a pity to lose it when you come back.
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