Good Design Discipline | LiangDesign Professional Splint Building

2022-09-27 Beauty Care 8801 13 69

良设计丨Liang Design

China · Maternal&Infant Children

Good Design Discipline | LiangDesign Professional Splint Building

2022-09-27 Beauty Care 8801 13 69

良设计丨Liang Design

China · Maternal&Infant Children

Service content: product strategy, appearance design, visual performance, prototype follow-up
Service hours: 2021
Service Team: Liang Design
Design idea: "product positioning is at high-end professional level", we found in the preliminary design research: the current consumer-grade splint homogenization is serious, the price war between brands is rampant, how to make consumers feel the professionalism of the product visually is particularly important. In terms of product style, we avoid the extremely simple style of market flooding, the use of streamlined design techniques, that is, to avoid the style of competition, but also enhance the grip of the product. Surface treatment, we used aluminum alloy oxidation effect and electroplating drawing effect embellishment, enhance the quality of the product.

Hair stick,straightener ,Straight hair stick,Splint,Professional splint,
Hair stick,straightener ,Straight hair stick,Splint,Professional splint,
Hair stick,straightener ,Straight hair stick,Splint,Professional splint,
Hair stick,straightener ,Straight hair stick,Splint,Professional splint,
Hair stick,straightener ,Straight hair stick,Splint,Professional splint,
Hair stick,straightener ,Straight hair stick,Splint,Professional splint,
Hair stick,straightener ,Straight hair stick,Splint,Professional splint,
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Comment Board (13)

Nathan 2023-10-13

The product as a whole is too heavy in the past, and it always feels strange to be out of the times.

It has reached the stacking limit position given by the customer ~
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有巧思 无难事 2022-10-18

There are certain bright spots. The overall feeling is still a little old-age, especially the overall feeling of the head and tail is a little heavy. It would be better to optimize it.

摇本帅 2022-09-28

At first glance, there is a full sense of science and technology. the front end is thinner, the handshake position is clamped, and a little space can be cut inward. the display can be considered at the tail end, a big drop type, and then think about the tail connection, ha, ha, ha

Pluto.9(正经设计) 2022-09-28
Cut down Party A's father😂
This review is the best
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浓情chocolate 2022-09-28


Fairy 2022-09-28

Splint, is it a straight hair plate

Straight/curly hair
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有头脑很高兴 2022-09-28

What does this do

Straight/curly hair, professional name: splint
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德国的梵蒂冈 2022-09-28

单聘仁 2022-09-27


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