Design of Intelligent Storage Door Cabinet Based on Distribution Service

2024-04-12 Home Appliance 3856 5 38


China · Home Appliance

Design of Intelligent Storage Door Cabinet Based on Distribution Service

2024-04-12 Home Appliance 3856 5 38


China · Home Appliance

At present, online shopping and takeout are increasingly becoming an important part of people's lives. In view of the changes in people's lifestyle and the accompanying pain points, the innovative design of this intelligent door cabinet improves the convenience of users receiving items, optimizes the user's experience, and improves the work efficiency of the delivery staff through intelligent technology, refrigeration, heat preservation and other functions.

Entry door,express,Home delivery,Intelligent door lock,Intelligent identification,Refrigerator,heat preservation,Smart home,
Entry door,express,Home delivery,Intelligent door lock,Intelligent identification,Refrigerator,heat preservation,Smart home,
Entry door,express,Home delivery,Intelligent door lock,Intelligent identification,Refrigerator,heat preservation,Smart home,
Entry door,express,Home delivery,Intelligent door lock,Intelligent identification,Refrigerator,heat preservation,Smart home,
Entry door,express,Home delivery,Intelligent door lock,Intelligent identification,Refrigerator,heat preservation,Smart home,
Entry door,express,Home delivery,Intelligent door lock,Intelligent identification,Refrigerator,heat preservation,Smart home,
Entry door,express,Home delivery,Intelligent door lock,Intelligent identification,Refrigerator,heat preservation,Smart home,
Entry door,express,Home delivery,Intelligent door lock,Intelligent identification,Refrigerator,heat preservation,Smart home,
Entry door,express,Home delivery,Intelligent door lock,Intelligent identification,Refrigerator,heat preservation,Smart home,
Entry door,express,Home delivery,Intelligent door lock,Intelligent identification,Refrigerator,heat preservation,Smart home,
Entry door,express,Home delivery,Intelligent door lock,Intelligent identification,Refrigerator,heat preservation,Smart home,
Entry door,express,Home delivery,Intelligent door lock,Intelligent identification,Refrigerator,heat preservation,Smart home,
38 35
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Comment Board (5)

桔子 2024-05-04

ai inspiration board

etherealelf 2024-04-15

This title is very paper style ~

四脚吞金兽 2024-04-15

This is very practical.

晴天螺旋霹雳 2024-04-15


蓝色的夏 2024-04-15


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