Design of portable luggage case by mc Cai laoshi

2020-05-27 Tools&Equipment 3331 10 12


China · Home Appliance

Design of portable luggage case by mc Cai laoshi

2020-05-27 Tools&Equipment 3331 10 12


China · Home Appliance

With the improvement of people's consumption level and the diversification of travel modes, the traditional luggage case design can no longer meet some needs of users for short-distance travel, and the traditional luggage case still has problems such as excessive volume, inconvenient carrying, and single shape. According to this, on the basis of market and user research, through a large number of sketches to find solutions and product function diversification considerations, the final product renderings. Functionally, through the innovation of the tie rod, the tie rod can rotate in the vertical direction when it is pulled to the end, which can reduce the force on the wrist while dealing with people of different heights, thus saving more effort in the use of luggage case. And due to the structure of luggage case and the innovation of shell materials, users can sit on luggage case and rest when there is no seat.

Draw bar box,Portable,travel,
Draw bar box,Portable,travel,
Draw bar box,Portable,travel,
Draw bar box,Portable,travel,
12 26
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Comment Board (10)

CMF设计军团 2020-05-29

Nice product

蔡老四Owner 2020-05-29
The public number that has been watched has been flopked
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158****2696 2020-05-28

Cai Laoshi, cool, hand-painted cute

蔡老四Owner 2020-05-28
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YuuuuuO 2020-05-28

This seems to be horizontal, interesting

蔡老四Owner 2020-05-28
Convenient for people to rest
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兔子姑娘 2020-05-28

Is it a design that can sit!!

蔡老四Owner 2020-05-28
You are right at all
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橘子 2020-05-28

The background is a bit too deep to see the product itself.

蔡老四Owner 2020-05-28
Keep the mystery
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