Cactus multi-head replacement av stick-sex toys shared by men and women

2022-12-08 Medical Instruments 4048 8 17


China · Medical Instruments

Cactus multi-head replacement av stick-sex toys shared by men and women

2022-12-08 Medical Instruments 4048 8 17


China · Medical Instruments

Sex toys should be fun and interesting. Compared with traditional rude adult products, the fashionable and lovely appearance reduces the user's sense of shame and can be placed on the desktop as much as one wants like an artwork decoration. Let sex toys soak in the sun like flowers.
Product Status: Not Listed
Product Type: Adult Products/Toys
Function: Multi-head replacement vibration
Patent: has applied for appearance patent
Suitable for the crowd: men and women can share

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adult erotica products,AV stick,Sex toy,Massager,
adult erotica products,AV stick,Sex toy,Massager,
adult erotica products,AV stick,Sex toy,Massager,
adult erotica products,AV stick,Sex toy,Massager,
adult erotica products,AV stick,Sex toy,Massager,
adult erotica products,AV stick,Sex toy,Massager,
adult erotica products,AV stick,Sex toy,Massager,
adult erotica products,AV stick,Sex toy,Massager,
adult erotica products,AV stick,Sex toy,Massager,
adult erotica products,AV stick,Sex toy,Massager,
adult erotica products,AV stick,Sex toy,Massager,
adult erotica products,AV stick,Sex toy,Massager,
17 23
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Comment Board (8)

The brain hole is really big.

秃头先森 2022-12-09

I really don't know what it is without looking at the introduction.

兔子姑娘 2022-12-09

凉如烟 2022-12-09

Admire imagination

努力努力 2022-12-09

帅到没朋友 2022-12-09

There are many kinds of sex toys now.

关于郑州回忆 2022-12-08


董卓卓 2022-12-08

Too talented

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