Mobile IPC | Block Design SQUARE DESIGN

2024-08-01 Home Appliance 3827 8 44


China · Home Appliance

Mobile IPC | Block Design SQUARE DESIGN

2024-08-01 Home Appliance 3827 8 44


China · Home Appliance

Mobile IPC | Block Design SQUARE DESIGN

Equipped with mobile chassis accessories that can automatically find the charging bin for charging and can be intelligently controlled and positioned, so that the camera has the ability to move intelligently throughout the house. When going out, it can be controlled by mobile phone settings, abnormal situation monitoring, automatic all-round cruise, temporary viewing of scenes such as bedrooms and bathrooms in places where it is inconvenient to install cameras, and the overall situation of the family environment or shops can be grasped at any time. In addition, it can also be accompanied by pets.
The track adopts a modular design, through self-splicing, the corner can also be easily moved. Different accessories can be expanded through the magnetic PIN port, and users can flexibly select and match to meet different user needs.

Service content: market analysis | core visual elements | product design | product landing follow-up

Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
Mobile IPC,Smart camera,Smart appliances,product design,industrial design,Mobile camera,Block design,It's so outstanding,
44 29
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Comment Board (8)

我可能是个好人 2024-08-10

Very well, you can also experience the feeling of being at home at work. In the past, 70% of the time except sleeping was at work. I often felt that buying a house or renting a house was not worth it, and I didn't enjoy the value of being at home at all. With this feeling of home for me, I can go to work with peace of mind ().
Joke aside, things are very creative and practical.

原地转圈 2024-08-03

nice and practical

水球碳酸拳 2024-08-02


旅途 2024-08-02

It's really strong

lemon 2024-08-02

Look at the appearance and you will know that it is very powerful.

寂寞设计 2024-08-01

it's quite good

范儿er 2024-08-01

The shape is very special

方块设计Owner 2024-08-01
Thank you for your insight
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