"Little Chinese Medicine" Children's Practical Educational Toys

2023-06-05 Maternal&Infant Children 2851 7 28


China · Other Industries

"Little Chinese Medicine" Children's Practical Educational Toys

2023-06-05 Maternal&Infant Children 2851 7 28


China · Other Industries

As a culture that has been spread for thousands of years, Chinese medicine has had a very important medical impact all over the world with the development of the times. There is an upsurge of learning Chinese medicine at home and abroad. As a treasure of the Chinese nation, the new generation of us should pass on the cherished Chinese medicine culture. Parents in the new era pay more and more attention to the development of children's thinking, starting from the stage of prenatal education. Let children receive thinking education. Educational toys of all ages have become the mainstream choice of parents.
Therefore, we combine traditional Chinese medicine culture with children's toys, so that children can understand our cultural treasures from an early age. Children can exercise their thinking ability, hands-on ability and enhance their memory.
The plan focuses on the puzzle of the whole set of toys. While considering the playability, it is also necessary to add more forms to exercise children's thinking. The cabinet contains cards in different categories to cultivate children's good habits. The phonetic symbols of herbal cards have a preliminary understanding and understanding of herbal medicines. The design of jigsaw puzzles exercises children's thinking and deepens their memory of the shape of herbal medicines,
The difficulty in design lies in how to make the whole toy play more coherent, connect several scattered steps in series, and increase playability. Children's psychology should be taken into account in color matching. We have lost more than five color matching schemes before and after, and the final effect has been lost.

Puzzle,study,interaction,Parents,chinese medicine,Toys,
Puzzle,study,interaction,Parents,chinese medicine,Toys,
Puzzle,study,interaction,Parents,chinese medicine,Toys,
Puzzle,study,interaction,Parents,chinese medicine,Toys,
Puzzle,study,interaction,Parents,chinese medicine,Toys,
Puzzle,study,interaction,Parents,chinese medicine,Toys,
Puzzle,study,interaction,Parents,chinese medicine,Toys,
28 27

Comment Board (7)

Jayden Design 2023-06-06

Where can I buy it? I want to buy one for my children.😁

梦丽 2023-10-07
Source elder brother
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夜不饰寂丶 2023-06-05

隔岸观雪 2023-06-05

Chinese medicine from the doll, ha ha

优柔寡断 2023-06-05

buy a set

唯独 2023-06-05

Come and play house together

粉色味蕾 2023-06-05

I also want to play.

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