Confucius wine

2022-06-20 Packaging 3012 12 25


China · Other Industries

Confucius wine

2022-06-20 Packaging 3012 12 25


China · Other Industries

Name of Work | Confucius Wine
Original Design | Gu Yaodong, Li Kaipu
Effect Presentation | Gu Yaodong

Confucius, a native of Lu in the Spring and Autumn Period, surnamed Kong, named Qiu, named Zhongni, ancestral home in Liyi, Song State (now Xiayi County, Henan Province), a great ancient Chinese thinker, politician, educator, founder of the Confucian school, "Dacheng The Most Holy Teacher". The bottle type evolved according to the physical characteristics of Confucius and integrated into Confucian culture. The form of bamboo slips is box-shaped. Bamboo slips, as the dominant form of text inheritance before the popularization of paper, have lasted for more than a thousand years from the Yin and Shang Dynasties to the Wei and Jin Dynasties. The Analects of Confucius is written on the bamboo slips. The Analects of Confucius is a collection of quotations compiled by Confucius' disciples and re-transmission disciples to record the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples. It was written in the early Warring States period. Since the Song Dynasty, "The Analects" has been listed as one of the "Four Books" and has become an official textbook and a must-read for imperial examinations in ancient schools. You can drink while reading the Analects of Confucius.

Liquor packaging,Bottle design,Box design,product design,
Liquor packaging,Bottle design,Box design,product design,
Liquor packaging,Bottle design,Box design,product design,
Liquor packaging,Bottle design,Box design,product design,
Liquor packaging,Bottle design,Box design,product design,
Liquor packaging,Bottle design,Box design,product design,
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Comment Board (12)

烟轻雨 2022-07-29

Drinking and memorizing the Analects of Confucius

橙橙的橙 2022-07-02

At first glance, it's a good design. Looking at the comment area, the painting style has changed abruptly

摇本帅 2022-06-29

You can change the position of the hole second child to produce wine, unscrew the hole second child, and everyone can drink sage water together

圐圙 2022-06-22

Qufu a pile of Confucian wine, Confucian wine

蛙蛙挖洼洼 2022-06-21

This, does it have to be the head? Can't you change your hat?

大象工业设计 2022-06-21

Broken wine bottle

滴滴答 2022-06-21

Cultural design

军坡节破 2022-06-21

嘟哒 2022-06-21

Listen to the name, it's good.

Vincerò 2022-06-21

Unscrew Confucius' head, everyone have a good drink

Hambo汉堡 2022-06-21
One sentence destroys a design, high
Vites 2022-06-23
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