On the eve of 5G, three dimensions of innovative design: factors of production, production conditions and production functions

2019-06-22 Other Industries 2945 7 19


China · Other Industries

On the eve of 5G, three dimensions of innovative design: factors of production, production conditions and production functions

2019-06-22 Other Industries 2945 7 19


China · Other Industries

If the essence of production factors is detail design and the essence of production conditions is alien design, then the essence of production function is emotional design...

5G,Interconnection of all things,Innovation theory,

Innovation, as a theory, can be traced back to the introduction to economic development by Schumpeter, a professor at Harvard University in 1912.

Schumpeter believes that the so-called innovation is to "establish a new production function", that is, "the recombination of production factors", which is to introduce a "new combination" of production factors and production conditions that has never been before. Go into the production system to obtain maximum excess profits.

Although this theory was originally used to "pierce" the "hidden rules" of the operation of capitalism, from another perspective, putting it on industrial design, such as "innovative design", has a miracular effect.

Especially in the current upsurge of "made by the whole people" set off by intelligent machines, we have stepped out of the reckless era of occupying the mountains as the king, the era of princes in which the eight immortals cross the sea and each show their magical powers, and the era of oligarchs in which the three countries compete for hegemony and throw at the world.

From the beginning of Motorola, Nokia, Blackberry, Samsung and Apple to Meizu, Jinli, ZTE, Hammer, Nubia, Glory and 360. From the strong rise of Huami OV to the decline of Apple and Samsung; Finally, I remembered the stress response of the three major international giants in the 5G era: Huawei's caution, Samsung's rash advance and Apple's lag. It can be said that at least in the field of smart phones, we have lost no one.

However, it is not easy to maintain the same victory as "China Ping Pong" in the field of smart phones, especially in the 5G era, which has already opened the curtain, standing on the height that Huawei has created for us. Considering that 5G may cause "earth-shaking" changes in the field of electronic communications, we must break the essence of "innovation" on the 5G world line, only constant innovation can resist "design entropy", a natural phenomenon that even "super product" Apple cannot resist.

This innovative design that can counteract "design entropy" is called "design inverse entropy".

Since the essence of design is to "from scratch" to produce a better concept or product, and therefore back to Schumpeter's "innovation theory", we can divide innovation into three dimensions: production factors, production conditions and production functions.

5G,Interconnection of all things,Innovation theory,

Factors of production

Milk Packaging for Muhammet Uzuntas

5G,Interconnection of all things,Innovation theory,

JohannaBr flower packaging of ännström
The "three elements of production" in design inverse entropy is naturally different from Schumpeter's "innovation theory.

Here, the "factors of production"-the environmental conditions required for material production should largely refer to the result of the "compromise" of the market, users, enterprises, designers and production lines for the "design product" itself.

The market demand is relatively broad, the user demand is too trivial, the enterprise demand is relatively domineering, and the designer demand is a bit ideal. Although the demand for the production line is almost negligible, they also have their own bottom line, and they are too unrealistic to go off the production line.

Therefore, at the beginning of each product design, there needs to be a "lengthy" communication. Although only the enterprise and the designer are often online, the users seen by the enterprise and the users understood by the design will certainly attend in some form. In this way, the "iron triangle of demand" between the enterprise side, the designer and the absent consumers is completed. As for the market and the production line, that is the basic skill of the enterprise side and the designer.

Here, the factors of production can basically be determined; it is a "demand community" in which the market is not excluded, users are interested, enterprises can see profits, designers can achieve self-expression, and the production line can do its best. It is a prerequisite for the existence of design products.

Just like the milk and flower packaging in the picture above, even if the market, users and production lines are not present, enterprises and designers can still "point the country".

Just as the mimetic details of the milk packaging are naive, and the tilted handle of the flower packaging (creating an upward force on this side of the flower, keeping it stable) will not squeeze the bouquet, these details are very popular.

5G,Interconnection of all things,Innovation theory,

Production conditions

Wooden sofa

5G,Interconnection of all things,Innovation theory,

Basketball bench
"Production conditions" originally refers to the miscellaneous parts needed for the production of material materials and necessary, but here it should refer to the designer's creativity and the materials needed for creativity under the limited conditions of the enterprise (materials, shapes and functions, etc.).

As for the product design itself, designers can naturally open their brains, but since the "factors of production" and the enterprise have been finalized, designers do not have that much freedom; they must carry out "proposition" or "open" composition with limited capital, time and manpower.

Although the proposition determines the "design routine" from the beginning, the designer is "dancing in shackles"; but it also reduces the designer's aimless "brainstorming".

As for the "semi-proposition", although the degree of freedom is relatively high, the enterprise side will also have greater expectations, and the pressure and freedom are often equal.

Of course, design is not an artistic creation. It comes from business and is bound to bear some kind of interest expectation. At this stage, what we have to do is not to complain that the enterprise has given too few resources, or to easily change our creativity. We should communicate in time and persuade each other with better or more efficient solutions under the "factors of production.

Just like the wooden sofa and basketball bench in the above picture, the wooden sofa in the proposition does not change the material without authorization, but it gives the wood a more dexterous expression. Although the open basketball bench is an alien of all benches, and obviously it is not applicable on many occasions, but on the basketball court, who said it is not an excellent idea?

The "factors of production" and "production conditions" here will certainly create various difficulties, but who told the designer to eat is the bowl of rice that "turns decay into magic.

5G,Interconnection of all things,Innovation theory,

Production function

Miko No Yu bath powder packaging

5G,Interconnection of all things,Innovation theory,

Breastfeeding workbench
In the field of economics, the "production function" is not only the relationship between input and output under certain technical conditions, it is also a restriction of production technology; but here, the "production function" should refer to the "production factors" and Under the "production conditions", the design can produce "explosive power".

After meeting the priority of "factors of production" and "conditions of production", this "explosive force" can still produce marginal or social effects of some products, which can be perceived by some users or generate public opinion.

This kind of "explosive force" is often not brought by the product itself, but is given a certain humanized feature after the product is designed; this feature is not "forcibly" integrated by the designer, nor is it a certain feature after being deeply buried and enlarged. It should be "perfectly" integrated into the product and become a part of the product's "personality.

Just like the bath powder packaging and breast-feeding workbench in the above picture, the setting of wood is stone gives people a natural feeling, and the shape of pebbles can be waterproof. The spin structure of the workbench can easily create a private space without the feeling of separation.

Therefore, the explosive power of the "production function" is often brought about by user perception.

5G,Interconnection of all things,Innovation theory,

If the essence of production factors is detail design and the essence of production conditions is alien design, then the essence of production function is emotional design.

Of course, whether it is production factors, production conditions or production functions, they are only the coordinate system of innovative design 1/3; that is to say, detailed design, alien design and emotional design themselves are not on a certain coordinate axis, it may have the characteristics of several dimensions at the same time.

Like a breastfeeding workbench, who's to say it's not part of the detail and alien design?

Of course, using some packaging, furniture and daily necessities to analyze the design trend of the 5G era is to use the swords of the former dynasty to cut the soldiers of the present, but who stipulates that the swords of the former dynasty will not have "lethality.

Especially in the 5G era of the "Internet of Everything" entrance, in addition to installing "chips" on them, the more core of the Internet of Everything is to return to product design.

As for whether mixed reality, artificial intelligence and silicon-based awakening need "product design", why not?

After all, scientific and technological equipment is only an "auxiliary" tool. Maybe they will become more and more powerful, and may even produce self-will; but before that, learning how to "please" human beings will always be a compulsory course for them.

PS: Some pictures come from @ yankodesign and @ core77

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Comment Board (7)

设计huang 2019-06-25

How to demould the bottle

何鲸洛Owner 2019-06-26
Plastic bottles seem to be blow molded...
3D printing is also possible
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小芝麻 2019-06-24

The article is well written ~

何鲸洛Owner 2019-06-24
Thanks♪(ω) ノ
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椰子 2019-06-24

设计007 2019-06-24

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