In 2030, Yutong will build a three-dimensional transportation system between air buses and ground buses, and provide passengers with all-round riding experience through modu -lar modules. The circular module is inspired by the concept of "Tai Chi" in the central Plains culture.Tai Chi is divided into Yin and Yang, which are compatible and har moni-ous. Therefore,the unit cabin is divided into two layers. The upper layer corresponds to "Yang", which means open, and passengers can watch the scenery outside. The lower level corresponds to "Yin", representing privacy, and the glass can become opaque t ocreate a quiet atmosphere. The two floors can rotate to swap places, providing passe n-gers with a variety of options. Two unit cabin and the first ba-se form the air bus, and one unit cabin and the second ba-se form the ground bus,forming a perfect transportation network.
Around 2030, Yutong will build an Airbus and ground buses to form a three-dimensional transportation system, providing passengers with a full range of riding experience through modular unit cabins. The circular unit cabin is inspired by the concept of "Tai Chi" in the Central Plains culture. Tai Chi is divided into yin and yang poles, which are compatible with each other. Therefore, the unit cabin is divided into upper and lower layers. The upper layer corresponds to "yang", which means opening, and passengers can watch the outside scenery; the lower layer corresponds to "yin", which means privacy, and the glass can become opaque, and the atmosphere is red. The two floors can rotate the exchange position, providing passengers with a variety of choices. The two unit cabins and the base form an Airbus, and the one unit cabin and the base form a ground bus, forming a complete transportation network.
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