MOMA × Yili Electromechanical Yili Electric Mop Vacuum Cleaner

2022-11-21 Home Appliance 3968 8 33


China · Medical Instruments

MOMA × Yili Electromechanical Yili Electric Mop Vacuum Cleaner

2022-11-21 Home Appliance 3968 8 33


China · Medical Instruments

Zhejiang Yili Electromechanical Co., Ltd. is located in Jiashan County, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province. Main high-pressure cleaning machines, vacuum cleaners, air purifiers and other household appliances, in the life of small household appliances industry to obtain the majority of customer recognition. The designer of the Trojan horse design company innovatively integrated the electric mop module into the ordinary hand-held vacuum cleaner. It has changed the traditional cleaning method that requires vacuuming before mopping the floor. With the help of "Yili" technology, the vacuum cleaner has a working mode of vacuuming and mopping the floor at the same time, which greatly improves the work efficiency.

The design has achieved the superposition of "vacuuming and mopping the floor" in function. Consumers do not need to buy two cleaning appliances, vacuum cleaners and electric mops, which save money and save family space. In addition, the product body uses fewer plastic parts to meet the complex functional requirements of the mechanism, which not only ensures the simplicity of the product, but also improves the convenience of maintenance.

Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
Vacuum cleaner,
33 42
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Comment Board (8)

兼职奶爸 2022-11-30

Why not hide the thread in the pipe of the base. What are you doing?

aifeck 2022-11-24

Not bad

黑色幽默 2022-11-24

A little fuzzy

喝不醉的饮料 2022-11-24

Very square

coco 2022-11-24

nice job!

得之我幸 2022-11-24


journey 2022-11-21

Look at the appearance is OK.

爱吃奶黄包 2022-11-21

A little thick

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