Blinded radio

2019-06-01 Home Appliance 5667 13 53


China · Kitchen&Bathroom

Blinded radio

2019-06-01 Home Appliance 5667 13 53


China · Kitchen&Bathroom

A radio that draws on the structure of blinds and converts sensory hearing into visual innovative experience through preset. Turn the switch, the shutter slowly open, the sound from the inside out, with the adjustment of the sound, the opening angle of the shutter will become larger and smaller. It seems that when we open a window, we can hear voices outside, or people talking, or beautiful music. It is not the essence of the design for the radio itself to learn from the structure of the blinds. The original intention of the design is to convert the hearing of the senses into vision through presupposition, so as to bring a sense of surprise to people with innovative interactive modes.

Designers: Chen Jinxi, Chen Xudong, Lu Zhongbo, Fang Liangfang
Instructor: Zhang Jian

Shutter, radio, industrial design,Shutter, radio, industrial design,
Shutter, radio, industrial design,Shutter, radio, industrial design,
Shutter, radio, industrial design,Shutter, radio, industrial design,
Shutter, radio, industrial design,Shutter, radio, industrial design,
Shutter, radio, industrial design,Shutter, radio, industrial design,
53 143
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Comment Board (13)

151****0275 2019-11-13

To tell the truth about this idea, I saw the title "Window and Window" in a competition in Jiangsu, which is also a radio.

陈锦溪Owner 2019-11-14
In which year, are there any pictures of works?
151****0275 2019-11-25
In the first Zijin Cultural and Creative Competition in 14 years, I was particularly impressed because that work won the gold medal, so I thought that it was also a good idea to connect the radio and the window with no personal goal. Perhaps the gentleman has the same idea.
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节寸七 2019-06-20

The idea is great.

十八度云 2019-06-15

Not bad

阿莫 2019-06-04

I guess it's your conceptual idea

陈锦溪Owner 2019-07-19
Yes, ha
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Max周 2019-06-03

At first glance, I thought it was an air-conditioning fan

爆米花 2019-06-03

Good work

全村儿希望 2019-06-03

The creativity is nice, super image

咚咚一 2019-06-03

Ha, ha, ha, ha, there is a muji style feel ~ like it

衣刀小土 2019-06-03

Very literary appearance

可乐是草莓味 2019-06-03

The feeling is very simple, the blinds are very good.

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