Tsingtao Beer Pan Hu | Moon Round Osmanthus Fragrance is in the wine

2024-09-11 Packaging 2798 4 29


China · Other Industries

Tsingtao Beer Pan Hu | Moon Round Osmanthus Fragrance is in the wine

2024-09-11 Packaging 2798 4 29


China · Other Industries

White beer encounter sweet-scented osmanthus, the common transmission of the flavor is particularly important. Design inspiration from life, season, culture, packaging is the modern interpretation of traditional Chinese culture. Reject the "earth flavor" and let the traditional elements glow in contemporary design. The design of sweet-scented white beer inherits the classics of the white beer brand and infuses it with the charm of sweet-scented osmanthus under the background of Chinese culture, which is the most concerned point in our design.

Li Qingzhao, a poet of the Song Dynasty, is known as the first talented woman through the ages. Xu Hui, Tang Taizong's concubine, descendants of the "osmanthus flower god 」. These two images not only represent the profound heritage of Chinese culture, but also convey a unique Chinese aesthetic taste. In the design, we hope that through the image of these two women, the packaging is not only the external beauty, but also the symbol of the inner culture. Their appearance has given more cultural significance and higher taste and style to sweet-scented osmanthus white beer.

packing design,beverage packaging,Illustration,Design,original,Pan Hu,Tsingtao Beer,q d,
packing design,beverage packaging,Illustration,Design,original,Pan Hu,Tsingtao Beer,q d,
packing design,beverage packaging,Illustration,Design,original,Pan Hu,Tsingtao Beer,q d,
packing design,beverage packaging,Illustration,Design,original,Pan Hu,Tsingtao Beer,q d,
packing design,beverage packaging,Illustration,Design,original,Pan Hu,Tsingtao Beer,q d,
packing design,beverage packaging,Illustration,Design,original,Pan Hu,Tsingtao Beer,q d,
29 1
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Comment Board (4)

Eager Design 7 days ago

Really really cow

暖暖的幸福 2024-09-12

Sure enough, Big Pan Hu is very good.

天生我才必有用 2024-09-12

Willing to pay for a package

挥着翅膀的女孩 2024-09-12

too delicate

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