Const open-frame generator set product design

2019-04-02 Tools&Equipment 4282 4 16


China · Tools&Equipment

Const open-frame generator set product design

2019-04-02 Tools&Equipment 4282 4 16


China · Tools&Equipment

Const's series of open-frame generators are different from digital variable frequency generators and are more focused on professional fields. But professionalism does not mean rigid and serious, it also requires careful appearance design!

alternator,product design,Professional equipment,industrial equipment ,industrial product,
alternator,product design,Professional equipment,industrial equipment ,industrial product,
alternator,product design,Professional equipment,industrial equipment ,industrial product,
alternator,product design,Professional equipment,industrial equipment ,industrial product,
16 48
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Comment Board (4)

惊木堂-工业设计 2020-12-09

How long will it take to draw a hand?

ICO-爱谷设计Owner 2020-12-09
If the drawing time is simple, the mouse will be painted for about two days, one day the refine line draft will be colored one day, and if the drawing time is pure, it will be a little more than one day. However, now the mouse drawing board is used to paint the color. after all, it can be painted more carefully
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小芝麻 2019-04-03

The appearance of any device needs to be carefully designed, and the times need

老炮学设计 2019-04-03

Professional bar drops

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