Smart pension-ten years battery wireless cascade remote control (Europe/Australia)

2024-09-11 Digital Intelligence 2655 4 29


China · Tools&Equipment

Smart pension-ten years battery wireless cascade remote control (Europe/Australia)

2024-09-11 Digital Intelligence 2655 4 29


China · Tools&Equipment

RF series smoke, temperature and CO products cascade, test the alarm equipment in the cascade system, and quickly locate the alarm point and mute the alarm equipment when alarming. Ten years of built-in battery, compatible screws, 3M glue fixed. It can be fixed on the wall and can be moved. Left and right big buttons: positioning, testing/mute, corresponding light indication (fire alarm, fault alarm, CO alarm) at a glance. Meet the requirements of CE and RoHS certification.

Intelligent remote controller,Smart home,Wisdom pension,Intelligent Community,Elderly design,RF Communications,
Intelligent remote controller,Smart home,Wisdom pension,Intelligent Community,Elderly design,RF Communications,
Intelligent remote controller,Smart home,Wisdom pension,Intelligent Community,Elderly design,RF Communications,
Intelligent remote controller,Smart home,Wisdom pension,Intelligent Community,Elderly design,RF Communications,
Intelligent remote controller,Smart home,Wisdom pension,Intelligent Community,Elderly design,RF Communications,
Intelligent remote controller,Smart home,Wisdom pension,Intelligent Community,Elderly design,RF Communications,
Intelligent remote controller,Smart home,Wisdom pension,Intelligent Community,Elderly design,RF Communications,
Intelligent remote controller,Smart home,Wisdom pension,Intelligent Community,Elderly design,RF Communications,
29 1
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Comment Board (4)

逆光少年 2024-09-12

It's really not easy

天生我才必有用 2024-09-12

On the high

爱拼才会赢 2024-09-12

This is the Internet of things system

幽明蓝EYEOwner 2024-09-12
You really know
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