X kitchen dishes storage drain rack

2020-07-02 Kitchen&Bathroom 3715 13 21


China · Other Industries

X kitchen dishes storage drain rack

2020-07-02 Kitchen&Bathroom 3715 13 21


China · Other Industries
Drainage rack,Storage rack,Dish rack,kitchen,

X kitchen dishes storage drain rack
Shanghai R & D Center/2018/Product Design
This is a home environment-friendly dish drain rack.
The ultra-small folding portability is easy to transport and logistics, and at the same time improves the utilization rate of the kitchen space. The simple and efficient drain storage mode makes the kitchen space clean and tidy. It is composed of lightweight, strong and easy-to-clean ABS resin and food grade 304 stainless steel. The product is designed with good stability and maximum capacity in mind.
The product can be quickly disassembled and assembled, thereby saving logistics costs and making it more environmentally friendly. The product aims to make the dish drain rack easier to use, avoid the production of bacteria, and provide a more relaxed and interesting user experience.

Drainage rack,Storage rack,Dish rack,kitchen,
Drainage rack,Storage rack,Dish rack,kitchen,
Drainage rack,Storage rack,Dish rack,kitchen,
Drainage rack,Storage rack,Dish rack,kitchen,
Drainage rack,Storage rack,Dish rack,kitchen,
21 61

Comment Board (13)

Jason 2020-08-17

Are you designing in camellia?

benben0422 2020-07-30

Is there a link that can be bought in kind?

P.leeOwner 2020-08-04
No link, concept product
benben0422 2020-08-05
Understand a good concept
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3344 2020-07-29

emmmm, I think the design is very beautiful, but I am a little confused, that is, we need to take the drain chassis frequently. I don't know that it is not convenient for this party to take the drain. is it necessary to take the whole shelf and then take it away? personal opinion.

66手里2两糖 2021-04-20
The plate is separated from the shelf. There is a drain silicone plug on the corner of the plate. You can remove the plate on the shelf and pour water, or move it to the sink to open the drain silicone plug.
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control 2020-07-03

Great design, hope to see more products

你是谁我是谁 2020-07-03

I will love it if I change the color.

P.leeOwner 2020-07-03
Please name your favorite color
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66手里2两糖 2020-07-03

Let me guess who you are. ha ha ha

P.leeOwner 2020-07-03
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终南 2020-07-03

The structure is relatively simple, there is no extra thing, good

P.leeOwner 2020-07-03
For items shelved, take out some materials to contribute [cover your face]
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