VR Glasses

2023-09-06 Digital Intelligence 5490 4 42


China · Digital Intelligence

VR Glasses

2023-09-06 Digital Intelligence 5490 4 42


China · Digital Intelligence

VR Glasses
Brand: East Elephant
Service content: product design
VR glasses, by watching the animation video, adjust and control children's pupil focal length, so as to achieve the effect of prevention and treatment of children's myopia. The appearance design pays attention to the sense of science and technology and the sense of the future, so that it meets the aesthetic needs of modern people. The product not only has excellent functions, appearance design and user experience, but also adds the concept of social attributes to improve brand communication and user participation, and provide more opportunities for brand development and market expansion.

vr,VR glasses,product design,industrial design,Intelligent power consumption,
vr,VR glasses,product design,industrial design,Intelligent power consumption,
vr,VR glasses,product design,industrial design,Intelligent power consumption,
vr,VR glasses,product design,industrial design,Intelligent power consumption,
vr,VR glasses,product design,industrial design,Intelligent power consumption,
vr,VR glasses,product design,industrial design,Intelligent power consumption,
vr,VR glasses,product design,industrial design,Intelligent power consumption,
vr,VR glasses,product design,industrial design,Intelligent power consumption,
vr,VR glasses,product design,industrial design,Intelligent power consumption,
42 47
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Comment Board (4)

愿蓝得像一片天 2023-09-06

This can be

安然一笑’ 2023-09-06


F魚 2023-09-06

Full sense of science and technology

东象设计Owner 2023-09-25
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