Symbiosis-Sofa Design

2023-09-13 Home Furniture 2214 10 20


China · Home Furniture

Symbiosis-Sofa Design

2023-09-13 Home Furniture 2214 10 20


China · Home Furniture

This design is inspired by the symbiosis of industrial civilization and nature, and selects the combination of industrial fashion metal material and natural native solid wood material, implying the harmonious coexistence of industrial civilization and nature.

The aluminum tubular metal shape is simple and smooth, and the open nozzle design makes it a hollow structure with ventilation performance. When the breeze blows, the air passes through the pipe and makes a noise, like the breath of nature injected into the shell of industry. This interactive sound effect highlights the design concept.

The wood-colored armchair surface adds life to this industrial-style work, forming a visual harmony with the metal material. The chair surface is made of solid wood with natural color. The real materials derived from nature increase the temperature of this man-made product.

The overall design concept is the harmonious coexistence of industrial civilization and nature, which is reflected in the shape design and material selection. On the one hand, it satisfies the functionality, on the other hand, it has the meaning and beauty.


furniture design ,furniture,Sofa design,Design furniture,Design,product design,inspiration,Home design,
furniture design ,furniture,Sofa design,Design furniture,Design,product design,inspiration,Home design,
furniture design ,furniture,Sofa design,Design furniture,Design,product design,inspiration,Home design,
furniture design ,furniture,Sofa design,Design furniture,Design,product design,inspiration,Home design,
furniture design ,furniture,Sofa design,Design furniture,Design,product design,inspiration,Home design,
furniture design ,furniture,Sofa design,Design furniture,Design,product design,inspiration,Home design,
furniture design ,furniture,Sofa design,Design furniture,Design,product design,inspiration,Home design,
furniture design ,furniture,Sofa design,Design furniture,Design,product design,inspiration,Home design,
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Comment Board (10)

设计蓓蓓 2023-09-14

Yes, yes

FUZAOOwner 2023-09-14
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诗跟远方 2023-09-14

Belong to the minimalist in the minimalist

FUZAOOwner 2023-09-14
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欠踹的背影 2023-09-14

It's so characteristic

FUZAOOwner 2023-09-14
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早茶月光 2023-09-13

not bad

FUZAOOwner 2023-09-13
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生命一旅程 2023-09-13

The first feeling is that it must be very painful to hit the corner.

FUZAOOwner 2023-09-13
There will be a little, but it is usually difficult to hit
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