Radar / 2022 / Beijing
Designed by Kong Hao
Radar is a external storage product, you only need to put it on a fixed ba-se, and it also has the function of cloud storage.
During the design process, I thought about how to visualize the abstract concepts such as information and data. At the same time, I also hoped to explore a new form of product interaction. If the product can generate dynamics when reading or copying information The reaction must have been amazing.
I made the final plan into a simple video, which I hope will depict that wonderful imagination.
The copyright of this work belongs to 孔皓-失业中. No use is allowed without explicit permission from owner.
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What is the video made
Isn't this my favorite salmon!
Now the tonality is very high
Do you insert it diagonally?
NICE,interesting idea
Nice color texture
The shape is unusual.
This color is quite good.