This research mainly tries to explore more possibilities of geographical popular science products in a new interactive way, and to explore better product use experience for the target users K6-K9 people. We find that the geographical popular science products in the market are relatively narrow, and there is still a lot of room for development in the field of education. Therefore, we conduct desktop research and field investigation on the use of teaching aids in primary school science classes, it is found that the primary school geography involves very little content (volcanic eruption, water cycle, Milky Way), and most of the teaching aids are mainly silent models. Students only know the principles in geography learning, but seldom reflect, which is caused by the lack of interaction and participation.
We accidentally found a jigsaw puzzle called Climate fresh. The game has 42 cards in total. It helps people to build mind maps and let people gather on a table to discuss the causes and effects of climate change. We refer to the game form of Climate fresh and design a product to assist students' classroom discussion/interaction, so as to stimulate students' interest in geography learning. In terms of content, we have selected the most discussed link in primary school science class-volcanic eruption and its influence. The process of volcanic eruption is divided into 7 cards, 15 cards affected by volcanic eruption and multiple custom cards. Through the thinking cards, participants can think for themselves and exercise their thinking logic. One end of the brush is conductive ink. After the user creates the correct connection, the volcano widget will emit light, and both ends of the card also have conductive metal sheets.
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The copyright of this work belongs to Ru.胜. No use is allowed without explicit permission from owner.
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