Home surveillance camera

2022-02-10 Digital Intelligence 3415 3 19


China · Digital Intelligence

Home surveillance camera

2022-02-10 Digital Intelligence 3415 3 19


China · Digital Intelligence

The crescent moon is used as the design element to integrate into the home camera, and the effect of the string moon can be seen from a specific angle, which adds interest and emotion to the product. The material is luminous, especially at night. The product design is simple, easy to integrate into the family environment, the color is warm and white, and the family environment is versatile.

video camera,monitor,video camera,monitor,IPC,Security,Smart home,IPC,Security,Smart home,crescent moon,SECURITY,crescent moon,SECURITY,survillence home cam,survillence home cam,
video camera,monitor,video camera,monitor,IPC,Security,Smart home,IPC,Security,Smart home,crescent moon,SECURITY,crescent moon,SECURITY,survillence home cam,survillence home cam,
video camera,monitor,video camera,monitor,IPC,Security,Smart home,IPC,Security,Smart home,crescent moon,SECURITY,crescent moon,SECURITY,survillence home cam,survillence home cam,
video camera,monitor,video camera,monitor,IPC,Security,Smart home,IPC,Security,Smart home,crescent moon,SECURITY,crescent moon,SECURITY,survillence home cam,survillence home cam,
video camera,monitor,video camera,monitor,IPC,Security,Smart home,IPC,Security,Smart home,crescent moon,SECURITY,crescent moon,SECURITY,survillence home cam,survillence home cam,
video camera,monitor,video camera,monitor,IPC,Security,Smart home,IPC,Security,Smart home,crescent moon,SECURITY,crescent moon,SECURITY,survillence home cam,survillence home cam,
19 14
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Comment Board (3)

怪带劲 2022-02-11

皮皮卡 2022-02-11

nice work!

倦困兽 2022-02-11

Crescent shape, very unique

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