RF beauty instrument

2023-05-03 Beauty Care 704 0 4


China · Home Appliance

RF beauty instrument

2023-05-03 Beauty Care 704 0 4


China · Home Appliance

Previously, a two-dimensional scheme of a household RF beauty instrument designed for a domestic beauty care brand;
Simple and effective holding feeling of large and small hands, forming a natural holding card position, not easy to slip off;
Streamlined and capable line direction, with the function of breathing light effect, highlighting the product's professional sense of technology.

Through 3 years of exploration, KD Design Studio has built a service model centered on industry explosive innovation and brand incubation;
In particular, he is good at the general trend of consumption upgrading in the subdivision field, and completes the explosive design strategy of "from 0 to 1;
The service content covers research insight, design strategy, brand design, product design, CMF design, packaging design, supply chain integration, and marketing promotion.
Business Communication: 13760680021-Mr. Lin WeChat: kwon9008

Gehu,female sex,cosmetology,nursing,radio frequency,anti-aging,skin,
Gehu,female sex,cosmetology,nursing,radio frequency,anti-aging,skin,
4 1
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