[Interview] Self-proclaimed "Semi-Wild Designer": It will cost nine yuan and nine yuan to give users a hundred yuan experience.

2020-07-16 Other Industries 6831 24 65


China · Digital Intelligence

[Interview] Self-proclaimed "Semi-Wild Designer": It will cost nine yuan and nine yuan to give users a hundred yuan experience.

2020-07-16 Other Industries 6831 24 65


China · Digital Intelligence

Hello, everyone. I'm Pu Xiaoxiang
Today, I 'd like to introduce you to the trump card activity of Puxiang Network-TOP list of original designs of Puxiang
The 85th Gold Medal Winner
Yang Xudong
A "semi-wild industrial designer"
His winning work is this one.

correction tape Geometric "correction tape" design

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

Photoshop CC19
Rhinoceros 6
Keyshot 9

This is a correction tape designed for Party A at the end of 2019. The correction tape can be said to be a product that has swept my campus life.

However, after receiving this project, I did a round of market analysis and found that the correction band began to withdraw from the public's vision, and the homogenization became particularly serious.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,
General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

▲ Product sketch

First, the gear transmission structure limits the innovation degree of this product. Second, the market demand has gradually weakened because the innovation degree has become lower, turning into a price war and a capacity war.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

▲ Display of Product Effect Diagram

Therefore, combined with two points, we visited the major markets in Guangzhou with questions and bought a lot of correction tapes. At the same time, we also asked the more professional Party A to come to the market for the correction tapes that they thought were better for splitting research.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

▲ Product appearance display

Finally, after many dejections, I came up with this appearance. After finishing the project, I found: "I am still the former teenager without any change......"

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

Because the final decision of this product is to adopt a double gear structure with a small front and a large rear, the shape adopts a more special geometric and simple design, and a large hollow gear is wrapped in a circular ring through which fingers can pass.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

(1), let users in the use of products can be more comfortable;
(2) It is possible to visually move the user center back and visually to give people a feeling of very large capacity.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

The front triangle is to allow the user to have a reasonable angle of non-interference between the paper and the correction belt during use.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

Also, it is convenient for the front gear and the rear gear to do cyclic operation, which is beautiful and convenient for users to use.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

Therefore, for this correction belt project, we have done a lot of research on the internal gear structure to get the high innovation and high experience of this project.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,
General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,
General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

▲ Product display from different angles

Unconsciously, I also "accidentally hit" and made a lot of designs for several stationery industries. At first, I thought stationery was really simple and easy to do. However, after slowly making dozens of designs, I found that the industry was really not easy. It was really difficult to give users a hundred yuan experience at a 9.9 price. It was really not easy for the domestic stationery industry to deal with the industry price war under Japanese stationery.

Therefore, although I am not a professional stationery designer, I was also moved by Party A, who is serious about making products in this industry. I remember once I went to Wenzhou Picheng to meet a Party A and said, "There are not many small X professionals willing to do original work, but I am an ascetic when I get in".

The elephant went to interview the designer with great curiosity.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

Xiao Xiang: hello, Da Da, please introduce yourself to everyone first.

Designer: Hello, I am very glad that Puxiang.com has provided me with this opportunity to get to know everyone. My name is Yang Xudong, and now I am a semi-wild industrial designer, because I want to find some different designs. I and my former university friends have set up a small studio called OGDESIGN to develop some small products of their own.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

"Big Eyed Boy 」
Big eyes boy

Big-eyed boy is a creative hang-up small fan design. Its shape is a cartoon character, and then a portable capsule pen is added at the back, so that everyone can record their good life and hand accounts.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,
General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,
General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,
General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

▲ Product display from different angles

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,
General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

This is a pendant design that can be worn on your body as a decoration even when not in use, and the pen you wear can also record your life at any time.

Xiao Xiang: Can you share with us what opportunity did you get in touch with industrial design?

Designer: To be exact, it is a wonderful fate for me to come into contact with "industrial design". My business is to learn furniture modeling design. Then a coincidence made me make up my mind to enter the product studio of our school because of a senior's conceptual analysis of product design. Then I felt the stones and crossed the river all the way, relying on my own semi-self-study, and then slowly embarked on the road of product design.

After graduation, I also went to work in a product design company for a period of time. During this period, I found out what is real industrial design. However, after working for a period of time, I found that those in the design company were not what I wanted, so I chose to leave and went to college. Several friends began to look for what kind of design I wanted.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

"Fruit Basket 」
fruit basket

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

▲ Deep plate fruit mode

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

▲ Shallow plate to cut melon fruit mode

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

▲ Unique grid type water filtration design

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,
General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

▲ Product display from different angles

Pu Xiaoxiang: Your TOP award-winning work "Correction Belt Design" has received favorable comments on the website. Can you tell us about the original intention of creation?

Designer: First of all, thank you for liking our design this time. I would like to say a digression. I am a designer who loves to go to the market. After receiving a design demand, the first idea is to go to the corresponding market to see how far this product has achieved, and then pick it up to experience these real objects and chat with the sales of these products in professional stores.

When we received the demand for this correction tape, we did not rush to find inspiration maps online. Instead, we first visited the large and small correction tape and stationery markets. We experienced most of the correction tapes on the market. Finally, we found that the homogenization of this product was particularly serious. We made a slight adjustment around the latest correction tape produced in Japan and went on the market, after understanding with some sellers, we found that this is the shape of the product affected by several gear structures, so after we knew what affected the breakthrough of the product, we bought and asked customers for a large number of correction tapes for disassembly and analysis, and then we came up with the design of the correction tape we designed after many gear arrangements.

So sometimes when we receive a demand if there is no breakthrough, we all like to go to the product market and think about what limits the innovation of this product.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

"Gel Pen Design 」
Round shape

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

The paper clip product has always been based on pinning paper and documents. This time, putting it on the pen as the main design feature is also a combination of a common language of the other books in the pen holder. I hope that when the paper clip is not on the book again, the pen holder is exposed in the state of a paper clip. At the same time, the pressing part also adopts a more comfortable round ball design to improve the comfort of pressing.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

The whole penholder is made of PC material for injection molding, the pen holder is made of metal material for numerical control bending, and the surface is made of frosted and sun-printed process to improve the product quality. Considering the cost, the whole is still based on the conventional pen parting method.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,
General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

Pu xiaoxiang: see you mentioned in the article: "after finishing the project, I found that I was still the former teenager without any change". what if you kept your first heart?

Designer: How do you say, I am an idealist, which is commonly known as a person who will do whatever he wants. This kind of character makes me have no less trouble and bear hardships in my daily life. I think it is something I love. I will do it well with a spirit of getting into a corner and achieve the highest level I can achieve so far, therefore, this character has created the spirit of exploration and innovation that I have just entered the industry after designing for so long. The way to maintain my original intention is to ask myself at a certain stage whether my ideas have been realized before entering the industry, whether I have given up or escaped?

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,
General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

▲ "Minimal Geometry"-100ML Portable Emulsion Bottle Design

Pu Xiaoxiang: Can you share with us how you usually collect inspiration and conceive your works?

Designer: My method of collecting inspiration should have its own spiritual library like most designers, which is a very important and basic thing for designers.

In addition to this, I personally have a small way to conceive the work, which is to chat with the professional people in this product category for a while to see what they think the industry still lacks, or what they want in essence.

Then I went shopping to see to what extent the products on the market are now, and to see what the products that users take the most on the shelves look like. Then I will go back to the product design stage with these problems, so looking at the essence through the phenomenon is a very important innovative conception skill for designers.

General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,
General elephant interview,OGDESIGN,Correction band design,

▲ "Minimal-Sterilizable Chopsticks Box

Pu Xiaoxiang: Finally, can you give some suggestions to designers or students who are in a confused period?

Designer: I think when you make up your mind to enter this industry, it is not to say that you have to learn cool skills and techniques, but that you should first ask yourself if you really love this industry, because this industry is not as bright and dazzling as the outside packaging, and it is more suffering and incomprehension. Without certain interest and determination, it is difficult to stick to this industry.

If you really love this business, congratulations, you have already succeeded in half! Because the remaining half is the work that everyone agrees with from your exploration and perception of this thing.

To view the personal homepage of designer OGDESIGN (yang xudong), please stamp: details of works


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Comment Board (24)


@文豪最 2020-07-21


设计huang 2020-07-20


呀呀你好 2020-07-20

The designer feels like a very funny person. Ha, ha, ha

元气UP设计 2020-07-20

Puxiang Gun Swallowing Incident

阿!兔子 2020-07-20

The work is good, but the character poster puts the gun in his mouth, which makes people feel very uncomfortable. Think of a recent series of student suicide news

待在角落 2020-07-20
The first reaction is naughty, but it seems to have a bad effect on the children.
木木子 2020-07-20
I also think designers are naughty ~
Write a comment
会跳舞的海草 2020-07-20

Can't help but say great

会跳舞的海草 2020-07-20


椰子 2020-07-20

I like the pen very much.

孙凡 2020-07-20


艾因霍思 2020-07-20

Children's fun, lovely and amazing!

大橙子 2020-07-20

I lost ~ big brother handsome

Xing志yuan 2020-07-20

Yang Zong is awesome!

有毒的小孩 2020-07-20


可乐是草莓味 2020-07-20

Use nine dollars and nine dollars to give users a hundred yuan experience! I am so touched by this sentence

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