18 Paper-Photosynthetic Cylinder Exhibition Frame

2021-07-12 Home Furniture 16108 9 111


China · Home Furniture

18 Paper-Photosynthetic Cylinder Exhibition Frame

2021-07-12 Home Furniture 16108 9 111


China · Home Furniture

Exquisite items need a beautiful display stand.
In order to better support the beauty of the items placed
And enough to attract attention
Whether displaying aesthetic feeling or paying attention to index
Can be further improved

Different from conventional cylindrical display frame
The new photosynthetic display frame has an extra soft light.
Middle hollow design built-in LED lamp post
The light slowly out of the kraft paper and the atmosphere is full.
Warm yellow/white light
Choose two colors at will.

Paper art exhibition stand,Organ paper furniture,Creative home,luminescence,Paper home,Display Rack,Simplicity,product design,
Paper art exhibition stand,Organ paper furniture,Creative home,luminescence,Paper home,Display Rack,Simplicity,product design,
Paper art exhibition stand,Organ paper furniture,Creative home,luminescence,Paper home,Display Rack,Simplicity,product design,
Paper art exhibition stand,Organ paper furniture,Creative home,luminescence,Paper home,Display Rack,Simplicity,product design,
Paper art exhibition stand,Organ paper furniture,Creative home,luminescence,Paper home,Display Rack,Simplicity,product design,
Paper art exhibition stand,Organ paper furniture,Creative home,luminescence,Paper home,Display Rack,Simplicity,product design,
Paper art exhibition stand,Organ paper furniture,Creative home,luminescence,Paper home,Display Rack,Simplicity,product design,
111 127
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Comment Board (9)

What software is used to render this? It's so beautiful

CheneyWei 2021-08-03

Coming soon

阳光彩虹小白马 2021-07-27

The rendering is too good, isn't it

沐阳 2021-07-22

There is light supplement for display, perfect

How about durability

十八纸Owner 2021-08-06
Durability is very good, if you don't hit it, the latter will splash it with water haha
Write a comment
Murphyyyy 2021-07-12

good job!

种草达人 2021-07-12


熊出没 2021-07-12

This last offline activity of Puxiang saw such a beautiful product!!!

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