Smart wok

2022-06-06 Home Appliance 5952 14 56


China · Home Appliance

Smart wok

2022-06-06 Home Appliance 5952 14 56


China · Home Appliance

Creative Organization: Shanglai Industrial Product Design Co., Ltd.
Service content: product strategy | product design | innovative structure research and development | product landing follow-up | scene rendering | graphic design | product modeling | brand whole case

Taking the simplest metal texture as the design concept, the scientific and technological intelligence is combined with the product in a design way to unify the scientific and technological atmosphere expressed as a whole. In the design appearance structure, we mainly position the color tone as silver and gray, and shape the details and characteristics of the whole product with simple modeling design.
The upper cover is made of visible glass, and the edge of the upper cover is decorated with silver plated lines to make the whole look non-monotonous. The light transmittance of the glass can also be used to observe the state in the pot at any time during use. The upper cover handle is connected with the body to strengthen the overall stability and safety, and the overall ingenious design shows the sense of future scientific and technological intelligence.

industrial design,Household appliances,3D rendering,
industrial design,Household appliances,3D rendering,
industrial design,Household appliances,3D rendering,
industrial design,Household appliances,3D rendering,
industrial design,Household appliances,3D rendering,
industrial design,Household appliances,3D rendering,
industrial design,Household appliances,3D rendering,
industrial design,Household appliances,3D rendering,
industrial design,Household appliances,3D rendering,
industrial design,Household appliances,3D rendering,
industrial design,Household appliances,3D rendering,
56 140
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Comment Board (14)

YHOOOOOO 2022-06-15

The most tiring part of cooking is washing, and the cooking process is very enjoyable.

尚来工业设计Owner 2022-06-16
Look at someone ha ha, my cooking is especially touching.
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德国的梵蒂冈 2022-06-06


尚来工业设计Owner 2022-06-07
Learn from each other
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卡戎 2022-06-06

Because it has not been used, I doubt the practicality of this intelligent cooking machine.

尚来工业设计Owner 2022-06-07
It is normal that many new intelligent products are constantly being run-in to be accepted by the public.
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Mikrokosmos 2022-06-06

Is it beautiful

尚来工业设计Owner 2022-06-07
It's beautiful ha ha
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但以理 2022-06-06

Chicken ribs

尚来工业设计Owner 2022-06-07
It is normal and understandable that new intelligent products are questioned.
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贾子寻 2022-06-06

I feel that the most troublesome part of cooking is buying vegetables, washing vegetables and cutting vegetables.

尚来工业设计Owner 2022-06-07
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杯酒挽歌 2022-06-06

Suitable for people who can't cook

尚来工业设计Owner 2022-06-07
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