[Research on Sub-objects] | 2023 Supplements 2020-Wall Hanging Air Conditioner

2023-02-07 Home Appliance 5475 18 57


China · Home Appliance

[Research on Sub-objects] | 2023 Supplements 2020-Wall Hanging Air Conditioner

2023-02-07 Home Appliance 5475 18 57


China · Home Appliance

Over the years, I have contacted customers with extremely high confidentiality requirements,
Of course, there are also customers' trust and affirmation of us.
Air conditioning is the category we do the most,
But I have never successfully released a work.
It's sometimes quite helpless to design this business,
More often than not, your work may not be yours,
Fortunately, he has become a well-known designer in many countries,
Matthew, Rose, male, female, glasses, hats, bearded
In fact, when are brands willing to promote with Chinese designs,
It's the industry that's finally on the road, the national confidence has finally returned,
Look around and look at the Chinese design for a long time,
Only these are the plans that will soon be lost,
Record our efforts over the past few years.
At the beginning of the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit in 2023,
I wish all the designers can sign their own works,
Every achievement is explosive!!! Encourage each other!!!


Home Appliances, Wall Hanging Air Conditioning, Industrial Design, Product Design, Concept,
Home Appliances, Wall Hanging Air Conditioning, Industrial Design, Product Design, Concept,
Home Appliances, Wall Hanging Air Conditioning, Industrial Design, Product Design, Concept,
Home Appliances, Wall Hanging Air Conditioning, Industrial Design, Product Design, Concept,
Home Appliances, Wall Hanging Air Conditioning, Industrial Design, Product Design, Concept,
Home Appliances, Wall Hanging Air Conditioning, Industrial Design, Product Design, Concept,
Home Appliances, Wall Hanging Air Conditioning, Industrial Design, Product Design, Concept,
Home Appliances, Wall Hanging Air Conditioning, Industrial Design, Product Design, Concept,
Home Appliances, Wall Hanging Air Conditioning, Industrial Design, Product Design, Concept,
Home Appliances, Wall Hanging Air Conditioning, Industrial Design, Product Design, Concept,
Home Appliances, Wall Hanging Air Conditioning, Industrial Design, Product Design, Concept,
Home Appliances, Wall Hanging Air Conditioning, Industrial Design, Product Design, Concept,
Home Appliances, Wall Hanging Air Conditioning, Industrial Design, Product Design, Concept,
57 56
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Comment Board (18)

小酒窝 2024-07-11

Simple style is not suitable for vulgar traditional brand air conditioning market, the first air duct design is unreasonable, the second is general (good guy I also commented on)

子物研作Owner 2024-07-22
The first one doesn't think that the air duct is the same as a certain product on the market? These are all the schemes that were unsuccessful but we found interesting. The air duct can be said to be the biggest feature.
小酒窝 2024-07-25
It can only be said that the energy efficiency ratio will be very low, not impossible.
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移动硬菜 2023-07-11

Good exquisite lines and rendering performance, learned

子物研作Owner 2023-07-12
Thank you
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BlueChange 2023-02-27

Hhh landlord spit incisively

SenseMaRz 2023-02-13

Coincidentally, I have also been a bearded German designer and a whiskers Japanese designer. I am handsome, but I am not

子物研作Owner 2023-02-14
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Ble 2023-02-07

Ha, ha, ha, especially the air conditioner

子物研作Owner 2023-02-10
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七月与安生 2023-02-07

Chinese design needs theoretical and practical self-confidence

子物研作Owner 2023-02-07
In fact, only the psychology is closed
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熊出没 2023-02-07

Famous designers in many countries

子物研作Owner 2023-02-07
Well-known should be quoted, because the names of these designers cannot be found by Baidu
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朦懂的爱心 2023-02-07


寂灭黄昏 2023-02-07


lemon 2023-02-07

Do you sell such a good air conditioner in the mall?

子物研作Owner 2023-02-10
These are all unsuccessful options.
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