Desktop Office Series-Notebook Cushion Bracket

2021-09-05 Office Products 4353 8 38

Jianguo Wu

China · Home Furniture

Desktop Office Series-Notebook Cushion Bracket

2021-09-05 Office Products 4353 8 38

Jianguo Wu

China · Home Furniture

The new desktop office series-notebook elevation bracket 2021.9 is a notebook elevation bracket, which is suitable for notebook computers, I .e. keyboards without angle brackets. The inspiration comes from an unconscious behavior of my own, because I usually use more laptops for office work, and my hands will be very sour after a long time. I conveniently took the book and put it behind the computer to make it have a certain angle, so typing will be more comfortable. So the idea was born, designed such a notebook pad overhead. In this way, it can relieve the soreness of the hand for a long time, and also raise the screen, which also has a certain soothing effect on the cervical spine. Main material: sheet metal, suede, beech overall triangular stretch shape, not easy to dump on the desktop, small size does not occupy space, and within easy reach. Solid wood inlay at both ends can be customized with various characters and patterns. At present, it has been listed for sale and can be purchased. I look forward to your experience and then give us feedback!

Office scene,Notebook cushion support,Desktop storage,
Office scene,Notebook cushion support,Desktop storage,
Office scene,Notebook cushion support,Desktop storage,
Office scene,Notebook cushion support,Desktop storage,
Office scene,Notebook cushion support,Desktop storage,
Office scene,Notebook cushion support,Desktop storage,
Office scene,Notebook cushion support,Desktop storage,
Office scene,Notebook cushion support,Desktop storage,
Office scene,Notebook cushion support,Desktop storage,
38 56
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Comment Board (8)

Jianguo WuOwner 2021-10-12
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轻浮控ゆ 2021-09-06

Good job!

Jianguo WuOwner 2021-10-12
Thank you
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ヅ忆搁浅 2021-09-06

The wood is quite textured.

Jianguo WuOwner 2021-10-12
Thank you. The main body is sheet metal. Wood and some suede are used on both sides to add flexible elements.
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stvo 2021-09-06

I thought it was a small speaker

轻浮控ゆ 2021-09-06
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