[2021 International CMF Design Award Supreme Gold Award (Material Category)] High Porcelain New Material-Colorful Weaving Series Mobile Phone Battery Cover

2022-02-22 Digital Intelligence 949 0 0


China · Home Appliance

[2021 International CMF Design Award Supreme Gold Award (Material Category)] High Porcelain New Material-Colorful Weaving Series Mobile Phone Battery Cover

2022-02-22 Digital Intelligence 949 0 0


China · Home Appliance

[2021 Supreme Gold Award (Material Category)] High Porcelain New Material-Colorful Weaving Series Mobile Phone Battery Cover. The combination of glass fiber and colorful woven cloth breaks the appearance limitation of mobile phone/tablet back cover and provides a new choice for CMF industry.# International CMF Design Award

CMF design,industrial design,New material,
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