Talking about the Creation Method of Commercial Products in Industrial Design (I) with Personal Cases

2021-03-08 Other Industries 4919 7 74


China · Digital Intelligence

Talking about the Creation Method of Commercial Products in Industrial Design (I) with Personal Cases

2021-03-08 Other Industries 4919 7 74


China · Digital Intelligence

Foreword, graduated more than five years, engaged in industrial design for six years, after unemployment and bottleneck period, so share a little of their own experience, by the way through this long bottleneck period. Welcome to discuss rationally, leave a message, and prohibit quarrels and abuse.

Industrial Design (Industrial Design), referred to as ID. Refers to the design of industrial products based on engineering, aesthetics, and economics. From the literal meaning on Baidu Encyclopedia, it can be seen simply that designers should meet the needs of good-looking, good-selling products. Around these three points, I extend my creative method.

1. Reference-The way of reference should be a process that every designer or enterprise will go through from the initial start to development. Some people will feel embarrassed, and some people will think that plagiarism should not be advocated. In fact, reference is a kind of growth. Like children learning new things, they are slowly forming their own creative carrier. This is not shameful. Reference is not plagiarism, reference should be to stand on the shoulders of giants to broaden their horizons and then use it for themselves. Reference includes bionics, transplantation, substitution, etc. We should learn from it reasonably and remember to copy it directly.

The design of the tooth punching machine in the figure below is based on the ideological design of Japan's clear wine glass. First of all, we must know that the bottom of the tooth punching machine is filled with water and then driven to the nozzle by a motor to shoot out high-frequency water pressure to clean the teeth. The chance of tooth punching filled with water is heavier and slippery. Therefore, in addition to considering the functionality of the product, we are also considering whether it conforms, the shape of the Japanese clear glass perfectly fits this concept. To understand what is suitable for their own products, this is a good way to learn from the concept

Original article,Industrial design concept,Creative thinking,Commercial product design,
Original article,Industrial design concept,Creative thinking,Commercial product design,

2. Simplify the product-less is more. The design focuses on the essentials rather than the excess waste on the product. Design should return to purity and return to simplicity, which is what Diet Rams said in the Ten Commandments of Design. Simplicity cannot be without content. Simplicity should also reflect the advanced feeling of the product, and should also satisfy the concept of good-looking, easy-to-use and easy-to-sell.

The haircut scissors shown in the figure below were created by using the ideology of simple cylinder cutting one knife. The lower part was plastic sprayed with various metallic paints (enhancing the visual impact of the product and making the product look full of advanced feeling). Most of the barber shears on the market are relatively complicated in shape and cannot be portable and easy to receive. Therefore, we can meet the functions of the definition of barber shears, such as long and short haircuts, and achieve half-rotation storage, and half-rotation just forms the function of 150 degrees suitable for hand-held haircuts. Simplify the product, can't do without content, can change its material color usage, etc., make it simple and advanced

Original article,Industrial design concept,Creative thinking,Commercial product design,
Original article,Industrial design concept,Creative thinking,Commercial product design,

3. Modularization of products-a relatively popular product concept in recent years. Combining them is a good product, and separating them is also a good product.

The TV sound in the figure below is a product designed according to this concept. I split the product into three modules. The left and right two can be taken out separately as an independent sound equipment (which can be placed on the desktop/taken out separately to make Bluetooth sound). The central control in the middle can form an electronic clock separately, which is a complete TV sound.

Original article,Industrial design concept,Creative thinking,Commercial product design,
Original article,Industrial design concept,Creative thinking,Commercial product design,

4. Incorporate the concept of elements-integrate the concept of elements into products, for example, integrate the design concept of micro-style architecture into your products, or integrate some expression elements into your products. The cat's paw umbrella, which was popular on Weibo before, is integrated into cat's paw. When it rains, the road surface covered by the umbrella becomes cat's paw, which can touch your heart instantly. The design that can touch your heart can be remembered and become a witness to history.

The bluetooth stereo in the following figure integrates the four expressions of happiness, anger, sorrow and happiness to enrich the blank iron net of bluetooth stereo and let the stereo express your mood. for the small bluetooth stereo on the market, it is basically simple geometry, which is difficult to achieve differentiation or make people shine at the moment. Spraying the expressions commonly used in chat software on the stereo can make the small stereo seem full of vitality and life, and is no longer a cold digital product.

Original article,Industrial design concept,Creative thinking,Commercial product design,
Original article,Industrial design concept,Creative thinking,Commercial product design,

The electric toothbrush in the figure below incorporates a smiling expression and draws lessons from the shape of a milk bottle. Now office workers often forget to eat breakfast when they get up busy. Therefore, I hope that when you brush your teeth at night or in the morning, you can prepare a bottle of milk for yourself to take good care of your body, show your white teeth with a smile, greet each day with a smile, and integrate this small element concept can remind people to love life.

Original article,Industrial design concept,Creative thinking,Commercial product design,
Original article,Industrial design concept,Creative thinking,Commercial product design,

5. Active Lenovo Creation Method-Products created because of needs or inconveniences in life, such as hand-held fans that have been on fire in recent years, are too hot to explode when squeezing buses and subways or even walking to work in the scorching midsummer, and cannot carry umbrellas or carry air-conditioning fans all the time. At this time, hand-held fans are bred and born, which greatly solves the problem that people are afraid of sweating and heat when. The biggest original intention of industrial design should be a career born to improve people's lives, just like Jobs created Apple, a great product, created and designed for people's better life.

The eyelash device shown in the figure below is designed for women who love beauty. Women dress up beautifully when they go to work or date. Sometimes they get up late and don't make up well, or some makeup is spent on the road, so they need to make up again. At this time, a portable eyelash device like lipstick is taken out of the bag to repair their beautiful eyelashes, apply lipstick, and make up their makeup. In an instant, they become a fairy full.

Original article,Industrial design concept,Creative thinking,Commercial product design,
Original article,Industrial design concept,Creative thinking,Commercial product design,

There are still many ways to create commercial products. As long as we think more about the process of product design, why should I do this? Can I do it well? Is it easy to use? Is it easy to sell? Always ask yourself whether you are designing with your heart or not, and whether you still love creating products, your design will definitely go further and further.

Finally-I wish everyone can become Jobs. If you can't become an interesting designer, make some interesting products and rush...

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Comment Board (7)

carman 2021-10-26

Great ~

We should learn from it reasonably and remember to copy it directly.

0000 2021-03-09

I have learned to hope for a (II).

叶枯草Owner 2021-03-10
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设计007 2021-03-09

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积极分子 2021-03-09

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我是我 2021-03-09

Dry goods must be collected.

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