Design of Medical Products-Design of Blood Irradiation Apparatus

2021-11-08 Medical Instruments 557 0 1


China · Other Industries

Design of Medical Products-Design of Blood Irradiation Apparatus

2021-11-08 Medical Instruments 557 0 1


China · Other Industries

Blood irradiators are designed to radiate bagged blood and blood products in blood stations or hospitals. It is mainly used for extinguishing lymphocytes in blood products, inhibiting their division ability, preventing blood transfusion-related plant-versus-host disease, and reducing poor blood transfusion caused by active cells.

Design of blood irradiator,product design,Appearance design,

Traditional blood irradiators need to do a lot of lead protection, and the weight is heavy, equipment environmental assessment, radioactive source approval, transportation and daily management maintenance and recovery of radioactive source procedures are complex and costly.

Design of blood irradiator,product design,Appearance design,

This is a new generation of X-ray blood irradiator design, which won the German Red Dot Design Award in 2019. The horizontal homogeneity and volume homogeneity of blood irradiation are greatly improved, mainly by two horizontally opposed X-ray tubes. Abandoning the traditional complicated operation, users only need to monitor the irradiation time to know the irradiation progress at any time. Bar code scanning system based on irradiation sample data management (IPDM) system makes data entry simple, efficient and correct. The X-ray blood irradiator is safe, efficient, easy to operate, and has excellent dose uniformity. It is an excellent choice for blood irradiation prevention and TA-GVHD.

Design of blood irradiator,product design,Appearance design,

Structure design and composition of irradiator products: It consists of three parts: structural system, blood cup transmission system and control system. Radioactive source: Cobalt--60. Total activity of radiation sources, 1e;800 Curie. It has the advantages of large luminous area, good dose uniformity, 360 ° X-ray emission, large irradiation range, long service life, better maintenance of vacuum, slow anode surface loss, fast radiation speed and other points.

Design of blood irradiator,product design,Appearance design,

Blood irradiation refers to the use of a certain dose of radiation to irradiate blood before blood transfusion. Inactivation of immune active lymphocytes, thereby blood transfusion patients reduce rejection reactions and reduce the risk of surgery.

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