No. 1-Aries

2021-03-25 Automotive Design 131793 1 23


China · Automotive Design

No. 1-Aries

2021-03-25 Automotive Design 131793 1 23


China · Automotive Design

This car is a No. 2 model planned and designed for 2021. It is mainly aimed at the customer group that is still urban fashion women. The transparent and round circle headlights not only demonstrate the youthful vitality of young people, but also highlight the better life. Unlimited yearning. This model inherits the overall style of the original "A-character No. 1" and "T-character No. 1". It takes roundness as the design style of the whole vehicle. It runs through the whole process and uses round lens headlights as lamp elements. At the same time, the facial shape absorbs the round gene of Aries golden holy garment in "Saint Seiya", making the model not lack strength and tension in cuteness and adoreness.

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electric moped ,Electric two wheeled vehicle,Electric vehicle,UG surface design,Keyshot rendering,
electric moped ,Electric two wheeled vehicle,Electric vehicle,UG surface design,Keyshot rendering,
electric moped ,Electric two wheeled vehicle,Electric vehicle,UG surface design,Keyshot rendering,
electric moped ,Electric two wheeled vehicle,Electric vehicle,UG surface design,Keyshot rendering,
electric moped ,Electric two wheeled vehicle,Electric vehicle,UG surface design,Keyshot rendering,
electric moped ,Electric two wheeled vehicle,Electric vehicle,UG surface design,Keyshot rendering,
electric moped ,Electric two wheeled vehicle,Electric vehicle,UG surface design,Keyshot rendering,
electric moped ,Electric two wheeled vehicle,Electric vehicle,UG surface design,Keyshot rendering,
electric moped ,Electric two wheeled vehicle,Electric vehicle,UG surface design,Keyshot rendering,
electric moped ,Electric two wheeled vehicle,Electric vehicle,UG surface design,Keyshot rendering,
electric moped ,Electric two wheeled vehicle,Electric vehicle,UG surface design,Keyshot rendering,
electric moped ,Electric two wheeled vehicle,Electric vehicle,UG surface design,Keyshot rendering,
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转身、未来 2021-03-25


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