Eternal Flower Chair | Eternal Flower Chair

2022-02-16 Home Furniture 4074 8 48


China · Other Industries

Eternal Flower Chair | Eternal Flower Chair

2022-02-16 Home Furniture 4074 8 48


China · Other Industries

Designer: HZL
Product Status: Seeking Manufacturer
"Hi, hello everyone. The pigeon hand returned after half a year. A design work brought this time is also a summary of the postgraduate entrance examination in the past year. To tell the truth, for me, the harvest of the postgraduate entrance examination is far greater than the risk of not being employed and the psychological pressure of not being admitted. I have systematically understood the history and development of design and the design stories in it. Sometimes I read some design stories with great painstaking efforts and completely forgot that this is the textbook for my examination. At that time, I was thinking about how I would design if I were a designer of that era, what kind of doctrine I would follow, from functionalism to the post-modern Memphis genre, and my favorite frog company of "form following emotion", as well as thinking about where the future design should go, and how I should inherit and develop my own design concept.

I feel that I am at the best moment now. I stand on the shoulders of giants without thinking about the form or function of design. The most passionate and creative age and the most barren economy make me concentrate on design and learning. In this year, after the small achievements of the last work, I summed up a set of methodology, selectively retained and abandoned some previous design methods, and chose scientific methods to deduce and design a work. Later, I met the opportunity of a chair project, which made me enter this strange field. With half a year's theoretical study, I designed this work. The next time I share my work, it may be less than half a year (my finishing). I hope that when I enter the work, I can still maintain my passion and love for design and become a qualified and outstanding designer."

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The creation of "Eternal Flower Chair" stems from thinking about nature and new materials. As a design student, when I read the history of design, I was deeply fascinated by the design stories of the design predecessors, thinking about how to balance the relationship between nature, art and industrialization in that era, and also realized the confusion and continuous exploration of the predecessors at that time. For this, I give my design answer in this era.

chair,product design,

The design of the Eternal Flower Chair is inspired by nature. I think about the impact of the development of new materials and new technologies on design and traditional natural decoration.

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I don't think it's a confrontational relationship, it's about "reinforcement".

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The Eternal Flower Chair is made of stainless steel, making the fragile "petal" stool surface extremely hard.

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chair,product design,
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The eternal flower chair presents different "petals" shadows in different light and angles, just like a saying: there are no exactly the same leaves in the world.

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chair,product design,
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After many adjustments and attempts, I have determined the most satisfactory form ratio, and completed this design project with elegant and concise design language to achieve perfect unity of form and function.

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The crack extending from the chair is like a blooming flower.

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The Eternal Flower Chair is available in three colors: white, rose gold, and gold. After many color attempts, these three colors can adapt well to the changes of the environment, low-key but without losing their own elegance.

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The eternal flower chair is like growing in nature, submerged in the sea of flowers.

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chair,product design,
chair,product design,
chair,product design,
chair,product design,
chair,product design,
chair,product design,
chair,product design,

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Comment Board (8)

AAAAAAA 2022-02-22

Is there anything to save when you get an egg?

鱼行老板 2022-02-16

How does stainless steel make this shape?

我是只小萌新 2022-02-16

Super great

HZLOwner 2022-02-16
Thank you! (((•))
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熊熊 2022-02-16

The two-dimensional code is smaller, so a screen can scan

HZLOwner 2022-02-16
OK, the computer and mobile phone display are not suitable.
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去飞 2022-02-16


HZLOwner 2022-02-16
Thank you! (• •)
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