| Hingwood Design | [74th TOP Gold Award] Philips Multifunctional Lamp

2019-09-18 Tools&Equipment 4450 9 28


China · Home Appliance

| Hingwood Design | [74th TOP Gold Award] Philips Multifunctional Lamp

2019-09-18 Tools&Equipment 4450 9 28


China · Home Appliance

To tell you the truth, this is also a work of several years ago, ha, ha, ha. In economically underdeveloped areas, living conditions are often very difficult, and power is often cut off, which affects people's work and life. This portable lamp designed for Philips can meet a variety of functional needs. At night, it can be used as a desk lamp indoors to illuminate students' books; outdoors, it can illuminate the road at night and meet the needs of life at all times.

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product design,Appearance design,industrial design,outdoors,equipment,lamps and lanterns,
product design,Appearance design,industrial design,outdoors,equipment,lamps and lanterns,
product design,Appearance design,industrial design,outdoors,equipment,lamps and lanterns,
product design,Appearance design,industrial design,outdoors,equipment,lamps and lanterns,
product design,Appearance design,industrial design,outdoors,equipment,lamps and lanterns,
product design,Appearance design,industrial design,outdoors,equipment,lamps and lanterns,
product design,Appearance design,industrial design,outdoors,equipment,lamps and lanterns,
product design,Appearance design,industrial design,outdoors,equipment,lamps and lanterns,
product design,Appearance design,industrial design,outdoors,equipment,lamps and lanterns,
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Comment Board (9)

摩林设计 2019-09-19

has a very distinctive design. I often see this product when looking for materials. today I saw myself

合木设计Owner 2019-09-19
I saw your dog clean his teeth yesterday. My dog probably needs it.. Hahaha, smelly mouth
前三十 2019-10-14
I caught another big man.
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渔人码头 2019-09-18

One thing multi-purpose ~ emmm can also be self-defense

像象想 2019-09-18

A few years ago?? Ha, ha, ha. Is there still a lot of stock

合木设计Owner 2019-09-18
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爱上瞬间 2019-09-18

It just feels a little heavy

合木设计Owner 2019-09-18
The area over there is not safe, you can also protect yourself joke, our company has real things, not heavy, welcome to test
爱上瞬间 2019-09-18
Ha ha ha ha very humorous ~
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