The brand product packaging series design strengthens brand identification through a unified visual language, forming a unique visual symbol system, which helps to establish a clear brand awareness in the minds of consumers. Standardized module design can reduce mold development and printing costs by more than 30%, while improving production line compatibility and shortening product switching time by 20%. From the perspective of consumer psychology, serialized packaging builds a product matrix through orderly visual logic, which not only meets consumers' demand for diversity, but also reduces selection costs through coherent design language, which can increase the cross-category purchase rate by 15-25%. At the level of market competition, serialized design can quickly establish a product line structure, so that new products can enter the market with low cognitive costs, according to statistics, serialized packaging of new products market acceptance speed than independent design 40% faster. This design strategy can also drive sales through the main push products, forming a brand moat effect.
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