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Yes, do you work in Shenzhen? Have you found it now?
Wow, I was at the point before.
It's a junior brother of the same department.
Now the graduates really think that when I came out, I was scum, hand painting was not good, rendering was not good, painting scheme was not good, and it took me a year to get on the road.
Similarly, why are you so outstanding in the 2 1st session
It turned out to be alumni, rare.
There are four internships on the resume and the first job after graduation, but the work display is mainly based on the mobile phone bracket, so the previous internship experience does not need to be fully displayed. It is good to show the representative work experience, and the project experience can be displayed more to judge whether the work process and rhythm match. The most important thing is that many HR do not like to read too many words and need to refine them, or mainly work.
Come to Shenzhen
Excellent, I am also an industrial intern from 2020 Finney.
I am very curious whether the sketch of the product was drawn or made by computer.
So it's all done by a single person?
I understand the truth, then why do you change jobs so often?
Hello, I am looking for a small partner who is fighting side by side. after reading your resume, I have consulted the CEO/CTO/COO/VC of the group. I am open to 50K 15 salary part of the equity. I hope you will not be unappreciative and look forward to your reply