Yuyue Medical-Pen Blood Glucose Meter

2022-07-05 Medical Instruments 21840 46 264
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Yuyue Medical-Pen Blood Glucose Meter

2022-07-05 Medical Instruments 21840 46 264
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Positioning a portable blood glucose meter. Its small size is easier to carry than traditional blood glucose meters; simple operation brings lower learning costs, and is also suitable for users who are exposed to blood glucose products for the first time.
Locate a portable blood glucose meter. Compared with traditional blood glucose meters, its compact size is easier to carry; the simple operation brings lower learning costs, and it is also suitable for users who are new to blood glucose products to learn and use.

medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,

Unconscious guidance is the design concept of this product. The cone shape clearly guides the user to insert the test paper accurately in the correct position;
The fuselage allows users to naturally hold the product like a pen;
The operation is extremely simple, and the blood sugar test paper is inserted to start measurement immediately without switching on or off. Check the memory value, that is, press the side memory value key, which is simple and easy to understand.
Unconscious guidance is the design philosophy of this product. The tapered shape clearly guides the user to insert the test strip in the correct position;
The body allows users to naturally hold the product like a pen;The operation is extremely simple. Insert the blood sugar test strip and start the measurement immediately without switching on and off the machine;
to view the memory value, press the side memory value bu-tton, which is simple and easy to understand.

medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,
medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,

An inclined angle helps users read the value better.
A sloping angle to help users read the value more easily.

medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,

[Sketch Divergence] Integrate preliminary research conclusions and market demand to explore reasonable design directions.
[sketch] Integrate preliminary research conclusions and market demands, and explore reasonable design directions.

medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,

[Concept Idea] Select sketches, select two potential design forms, and verify them.
[ideas] screen the sketches to pick out two potential design forms and validate them.

medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,

[Determine the direction] Select a reasonable design form, conduct more in-depth exploration and trade-offs, and start to consider the cost and production problems that may be encountered during the period.
[Determine the direction] Select a reasonable design form, conduct more in-depth exploration and trade-offs, and start to consider the cost and possible problems in production.

medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,

Explore the availability of keys in different positions
Explore the availability of bu-ttons in different locations

medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,
medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,

Make sure the blood is free of contamination.
Make sure the blood is free of contamination.

medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,

Product photo
Product Photos

medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,
medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,
medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,
medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,
medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,

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If you like this work, please give me a like, it will be a great encouragement to me.

medical care,healthy,white,Minimalist,
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Comment Board (46)

Katrina 2022-08-11

As a deep user of Yuyue, there are Yuyue's ear thermometer, blood glucose meter and sphygmomanometer. I want to express my views and opinions. There is a question, is the sales price of this product lower than the previous product? If the sales price is low, this appearance is understandable. Because it looks too much like an underarm electronic thermometer, and this kind of packaging gives people a feeling of unreliable data and a sense of low price for the public. Consumer electronics feel stronger and medical products feel less. Of course, maybe the author just wants to give users this feeling. However, medical products may feel more professional. As our consumers, the experience will be better. At least when blood sugar is high, we will not swear that the machine is unreliable. Ha, ha, ha, ha

见路不走 2022-08-11

Are you the designer of the fish jump?


Well, study

帅裂苍穹 2022-08-10

Zh Boy 2022-08-09

Hello, author, I want to know how to get blood?

Rocco Sze 2022-08-09
There is a blood collection pen in the set.
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春夏 2022-07-29

Ha ha, I think you need to learn from the next stage as a designer from the hand board verification.

牛油果设计 2022-07-28

Personally, the overly round appearance and the small size for portability will make people feel that they are not professional and give the illusion of inaccurate measurement. After all, the accuracy of such products is the first for users.

杨天照Owner 2022-07-28
Thanks for the discussion.
1. Cook wants to continue to be SE with ProMax. On the premise of ensuring accuracy and usability, ordinary users consider the most cost performance rather than modeling.
2. Modeling cannot help companies to truly gain a firm foothold in the core market. As a designer, I have always been in awe of the market and understand that modeling is only a contribution, not a foundation.
3. Too round appearance, this may be our design concept is different.
First of all, I don't think it is "too" round;
Secondly, I think that the designer should consider the things he designs, the communication with people in daily life, rather than attracting attention on the publicity page. To borrow a sentence from Grandma: "She wants company, not 600 yuan, which is simpler than what you give".
死不悔改 2022-07-29
"Produce the illusion of inaccurate measurement" What evidence do you have to prove that users will have this illusion
Product design rejects false propositions
DINGBN 2022-07-29
Personally, what you said is really ridiculous. I agree with what you said upstairs, "do you have any evidence to prove that users will have this illusion?"
牛油果设计 2022-07-29
I didn't say the user, I said I personally feel I don't need evidence to prove whether the user has an illusion, because this is my feeling On the contrary, you have no evidence to prove that the user will not have this illusion, the actual results require user research and market research. If you think I am self-righteous, then you are not self-righteous
牛油果设计 2022-07-29
I didn't say the user. I personally feel that I don't need evidence to prove whether the user has an illusion, because this is my feeling. On the contrary, you don't have evidence to prove that the user will not have this illusion. The actual results require user research and market research. If you think I am self-righteous, then why are you self-righteous
牛油果设计 2022-07-29
The starting point is different. If I make this kind of product, I will take "professionalism" and "accuracy" as the key words as the starting point, design the product around these two words, and try to convey this kind of information to users from the perspective of appearance. Secondly, I will try to weaken the sense of equipment and medical equipment of the product, achieve psychological care for users, and design from the real needs of users. These are some of my personal humble opinions.
牛油果设计 2022-07-29
Because I have done a sphygmomanometer, I have done a lot of market research on this kind of medical products.
牛油果设计 2022-07-29
Because I have done a sphygmomanometer, I have done a lot of market research on this kind of medical products.
创世纪设计 2022-07-29
From square to square, from square to square, this is the law of market products. You can study the change of apple horn. "Fang" can be said to be professional and reliable in medical treatment. "Circle" is affinity, weakening the attribute of medical treatment. At the same time in the market, most of them are "round", and if you do "square", it will produce differentiation for your products. Yuyue YE670A arm sphygmomanometer has a unique visual performance in the new product of the same period. It mainly depends on how the team and the company define it, including strategy.
牛油果设计 2022-07-29
The above is my reply to the author's point of view: the starting point is different. If I make this kind of product, I will take "professionalism" and "accuracy" as the starting point, and design the product around these two words. Try to convey this kind of information to users from the perspective of appearance. Secondly, try to weaken the sense of equipment and medical equipment of the product and achieve psychological care for users, design from the real needs of users. These are some of my personal humble opinions.
创世纪设计 2022-07-29
One small question: brother, did you have such a major in sales?
牛油果设计 2022-07-29
Anyone can do commercial design. Since I have come to the design website, I must discuss idealized design.
Rocco Sze 2022-07-30
Thank you for your valuable opinions on the products we designed. As a colleague, I think your opinion is very important. Our company has a large number of "professional" blood glucose meters designed by you. Even in the near future, there will be more SKU hoping to achieve the ultimate professionalism. You can pay attention to our design.
In addition, I would like to say that our positioning of this product is different from the previous design. The appearance focuses on small size, portability, grip and even fashion, while cost is the most important consideration. As a product that pays attention to portability, small size and grip, there is definitely no problem in making the product round. You can compare the hand feeling of this product with other written blood glucose meters horizontally, and put it in your pocket to try whether it will cause discomfort and whether it will be too big.
Finally, the key point is that we still hope that the blood glucose meter we design can cover all the user's usage scenarios, so we will design different SKU for various needs in the future.
牛油果设计 2022-07-30
Yes, I just said that the positioning is different. There is no problem with the products produced by the above positioning, and there is no problem with the idea of covering the market from all angles. However, if I am the demand side, I may focus on this aspect.
Rocco Sze 2022-07-30
Yes, this kind of professional sexy direction is definitely the first choice for this kind of products. We already have several SKU with stronger expertise behind us. I hope you will continue to pay attention to it ~ haha
牛油果设计 2022-07-30
Looking forward to works
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Owen 2022-07-27

Good design process

北纬23度的小葡萄 2022-07-27


QIqi 2022-07-25

Great, it is the enterprise I yearn for

创世纪设计 2022-07-11

Let's discuss it!
1. Personally, I feel that my first exposure to blood sugar is more biased towards the reminder of high and low blood sugar values. Jiuan, Sannuo and Johnson are all in good ways.
2. It may be a misunderstanding that the blood glucose meter is convenient to carry small meals in terms of volume. After all, the main users are still middle-aged and elderly people, and generally do not run around. It is more inclined to make the screen bigger and the test paper is easy to insert.
3. This kind of IVD instrument is mainly due to cost considerations. The instrument binds customers and earns money for test paper. If the internal components can play a more room for the appearance of Roche and Bayer.

杨天照Owner 2022-07-12
Thanks for the discussion. Johnson & Johnson also has a portable end for product positioning. Secondly, every model made by a company has its plan to cover the scene, which does not mean that it will only make efforts towards a positioning but just fill in the gap. You are right about the cost. This kind of equipment earns consumables money, therefore, the cost control of this model is in place
杭州艾客工业设计 2022-07-26
In fact, it is necessary to change the logic, whether the middle-aged and elderly people are still the middle-aged and elderly people we thought before!
杭州艾客工业设计 2022-07-26
We are also making more portable and younger products recently.
blank-leaving 2022-07-27
This angle is very good! The middle-aged and elderly people are not what everyone thought before.
南岩夕照 2022-07-29
Blood glucose meter products are working hard in the direction of lighter, thinner and more accurate all over the world. Smaller product size is not a misunderstanding at all, but a very important indicator of product innovation. Product functions can be realized in a limited space. In order to reflect the strength of science and technology, it can reduce production costs, transportation costs, energy conservation and environmental protection. The most important thing is that the user experience is better, that is, the smaller the so-called size, the closer to the insensitive design. For example, this is the measurement stage of the blood glucose meter, and the patch pump matched in the later stage has higher requirements for catheter-free artificial insulin infusion.
创世纪设计 2022-07-29
The glucose meter product is smaller and should be another breakdown inside, dynamic glucose meter or artificial insulin pump. They are used in different scenarios. Make an extreme assumption: when the household blood glucose meter and dynamic blood glucose meter achieve coin size, (of course, it does not involve other variables) the user will have trouble testing the paper mouth, the screen is too small and other bad feedback. When the feedback from the user of the dynamic blood glucose meter is light and senseless. It is not necessary to pursue "small" too much, it is more appropriate. It's similar to looking for someone. Why are you so beautiful! Feeling
丶郝尚真Gallo! 2022-08-09
Blood glucose meter portable not portable itself does not need to be discussed. Blood glucose meters are portable. It just means more portable.
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I don't want to be a great designer like you.

杨天照Owner 2022-07-06
Anyway, you are always the unique and personable pork prince in my mind.
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林界 2022-07-06

Super Praise

德国的梵蒂冈 2022-07-06

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芒贝贝 2022-07-05

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Rocco Sze
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